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March 17, 2023 22:03

1,280 ITS Students Declared Passed at the 127th Graduation

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ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, while giving a speech at the 127th ITS Graduation procession by kindling the enthusiasm of the graduates

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again held the 127th Graduation procession. A total of 1,280 graduates were officially declared graduates by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng at the graduation which was held for two days, Saturday-Sunday (18-19/3), at the ITS Indoor Futsal Sports Building (GOR).

Graduates consist of Bachelor of Applied (D4), Bachelor (S-1), Masters (S-2), and Doctoral (S-3) levels. “A total of 350 graduates were declared to have graduated with cum laude predicate,” said the chancellor, who is familiarly called Ashari.

On the first day of the graduation procession, Saturday (18/3), it was attended by graduates from the Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Earth Engineering (FTSPK), Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD), Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK), as well as the Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (FDKBD). “The number of graduates on the first day was 601 people,” said Ashari.

ITS Chancellor and ITS leadership at the opening of the 127th ITS Graduation procession on the first day at ITS Indoor Futsal Sports Hall

Continuing on Sunday (19/3), the second graduation session was attended by 679 graduates from the Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (FTIRS), the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (FTEIC), the Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV), and the Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT).

This Graduation was also inseparable from the best graduates, starting from the Bachelor of Applied (D-4), Bachelor (S-1), Masters (S-2), to Doctoral (S-3) levels. Yenni Pintauli Pasaribu from the Department of Chemistry won the best doctoral program graduate title with a perfect GPA of 4.00. The same achievement was also obtained by other Chemistry Department doctoral students, namely Yorinda Buyang and R. Arizal Firmansyah, who received a 4.00 GPA.

Submission of a diploma by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng (right) to one of the graduates from the Department of Marine Engineering ITS Akhmad Rizqi Shafrizal

Furthermore, Deril Ristiani from the Department of Physics obtained a GPA of 4.00 in the Doctoral program, Ivan Darma Wangsa from the Department of Industrial Engineering (by Research), and Vendy Hendrawan Suprapto from the Department of Technology Management.

Alya Awinatul Rohmah from the Department of Chemistry (by Research) won the title of the best graduate of the Master’s program with a GPA of 4.00. The best graduates from the Master’s program with a perfect GPA of 4.00 were also obtained graduates from the Informatics Engineering Department, namely Imam Ghozali and Sheinna Yendri.

For the undergraduate program, the best graduate was awarded to Steven Wijaksana from the Actuarial Department with an almost perfect GPA of 3.98 and a study period of 3.5 years, as Felysia Isman from the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering also won the best graduate title with a GPA of 3.97 and completed her studies in seven semesters. Next, the best graduate of the D-4 program was won by Albertus Eka Putra Haryanto from the Business Statistics Department with a GPA of 3.89.

The procession of handing over ITS graduates symbolically to representatives of the ITS Alumni Association (IKA) in the 127th ITS Graduation procession

Appreciation was also given to the youngest to oldest graduates at the 127th Graduation. The youngest graduate is Salsabilla Aulia Fitri from the Department of Marine Engineering at the Bachelor level at 20 years and three months old. As for Achmad Helmi, from the Master’s program in the Department of Technology Management Project Management, he successfully graduated as the oldest graduate at 69 years and eight months old.

ITS also graduated two international students in this graduation procession, namely Herjulina Filipe Rangel from Timor Leste from the Department of Engineering and Industrial Systems and Peter Steve Ngabwe from Zambia from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning.

The atmosphere of the 127th ITS Graduation procession on the first day at ITS Indoor Futsal Sports Hall

Finally, Ashari congratulated the 127th graduates and was grateful for the contribution of the graduates who had made achievements during their studies. In his speech, Ashari also gave his high hopes to the officially declared graduates. “I hope that ITS graduates will be able to become big figures in the future and benefit society,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Frecia Elrivia Mardianto

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