The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi ST, MT, when giving a briefing to prospective ITS graduates regarding the role of ITS alums in contributing to society
ITS Campus, ITS News – Ahead of the 127th graduation of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) on March 18-19, a briefing was held for prospective graduates at the ITS Indoor Futsal Sports Hall, Thursday (16/3). To strengthen the enthusiasm of the prospective graduates to take part in developing Indonesia later, the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi ST MT, as an alumnus who was considered very inspirational, was also present.
In the event, summarized in the graduation dress rehearsal, Eri provided debriefing material on the readiness of prospective graduates to contribute to the post-college world. Eri said after graduating from college and working in the world of work. There are only two paths that future graduates can take. Namely, it can be helpful in the community or become a spectator in the swift development flow.
Continuing the debriefing, the MMT ITS Project Management Masters alumnus said prospective graduates must be able to make ITS present in society. As an encouragement, Eri invited future graduates to reflect on past ITS alums who became national figures. “Call it Prof. Dr. Ir Mohammad Nuh, who became the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in 2009 – 2014, and Dr (HC) Ir Tri Rismaharini MT, who currently serves as the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia,” he added giving an example.
Presentation of souvenirs by ITS Deputy Chancellor I, Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT (left) to the Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi ST MT after providing debriefing to prospective ITS graduates
It’s not grandiose to have to hold a high position to contribute. This man, who serves as Chair of the East Java ITS Alumni Association (IKA), said this contribution could be through various innovations and appropriate technology that benefits society. “Especially with ITS background as a technology campus,” he emphasized.
Apart from that, he continued, prospective graduates can also contribute to regional development. Many ITS alums occupy important positions in local government and state-owned companies. “This shows that our alumni are competent and can compete in the world of work,” added the man born in Surabaya.
However, behind the dedication and contribution given to society and the country, Eri said everyone must have the right intentions. Everything must start with a purpose directed to God Almighty. “Of course, so that it is not only the world that is obtained but the hereafter as well,” he said.
Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi ST MT with ITS leadership and prospective ITS graduates after the debriefing event at ITS Indoor Futsal Sports Hall
In addition, this man, born in 1977, also cites a hadith which means a person who is not grateful to humans is like someone who is not thankful to Allah. Eri reminded me that this hadith is the basis for giving benefits to society. He also revealed that to be able to thank humans; one must utilize the knowledge gained during college for the use of many people.
Finally, Eri hopes that all ITS alums can become people who can change this country with knowledge. He also advised all prospective graduates to regenerate empathy, tolerance, and cooperation. “That way, our dedication to nation-building can be maximized,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Nurul Lathifah
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