ITS Campus, ITS News – Dr (HC) Dra Sinta Nuriyah Wahid MHum reminded the public about the importance of Unity in Diversity which was conveyed in the national dialogue held at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) at the ITS Science Tower Building, Saturday (8/4) afternoon. In the activity packaged in the form of 2023 Post-pandemic Iftar which was initiated by the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) ITS, Sinta also invited the public to be active in fasting this month of Ramadan.
In the oration entitled “With Fasting, We Put Faithfulness, Humanity, Morals and Unity Back into the Soul of the Nation’s Children”, the wife of the late 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Dr. (HC) KH Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur took all elements of society regardless of their background from from the poor, orphans, marginalized, and various ethnicities or religions in Indonesia. “This iftar has also been held in markets and even churches because Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in Indonesia needs to be echoed,” he reminded again.
Having moved from door to door for a long time to carry out the meal together, Sinta wants to invite all elements of Muslim society to fast. This is done so that the Muslim community in Indonesia feels the worship of the month of Ramadan by cultivating a sense of brotherhood. Even though this joint meal is done at the time of breaking the fast, Sinta wants to name it together so that people are more motivated to fast.
Furthermore, the mother of Yenny Wahid still reveals that she feels that many people fast just to abort their obligations. Sahur together is a step to remind fellow Muslim brothers to be aware of whether the fasting that is being carried out is good or not. “Compared to me holding an iftar together but the participants are not fasting, it would be better for me to hold a meal together so they are encouraged to fast,” said Sinta.
Before saying goodbye, Sinta invited the audience to remember Gus Dur for a moment. Then, the strains of Al I’tiraf’s poem, which is the prayer of Abu Nawas, resounded to enliven the room. Sinta also reminded Gus Dur of the life advice that Gus Dur always holds and echoes regarding diversity. “Diversity is the strength of national identity that cannot be eliminated,” he stressed again.
Explained by the Head of Subdirectorate (Kasubdit) Student Development ITS Ditmawa Dr Eng Yeyes Mulyadi ST MSc, this activity is good for creating an atmosphere for ITS as a campus that loves diversity. The figure of Sinta Nuriyah represents that education does not only talk about knowledge but also values that are upheld. “It is important to develop Pancasila values by cultivating the values of mutual cooperation and tolerance in the campus environment,” Yeyes reminded.
Going forward, Yeyes hopes that this small step can create an ecosystem of nationality and unity at ITS. Later, this activity will continue to be held by inviting national and local figures. “So it is hoped that diversity will continue to be upheld and create an atmosphere of diversity on the campus of struggle,” said the lecturer in the Department of Ocean Engineering. This activity ended with breaking the fast with Sinta Nuriyah with ITS academics and the poor who were also invited to attend. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Silvita Pramadani
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