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May 26, 2023 15:05

Ensure FKK Readiness, ITS Inaugurates Anatomy Laboratory

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The signing of the inauguration of the Anatomy Laboratory by ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (second from right) and Chair of AIPKI Prof Dr dr Budi Santoso SpOG Subsp FER (second from left)

ITS Campus, ITS News – To prove the readiness of the new faculty, namely the Faculty of Medicine and Health (FKK), the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) inaugurated the Anatomy Laboratory, Friday (26/4). This Anatomy Laboratory is a very important supporting facility for the establishment of FKK ITS.

The inauguration was carried out directly by ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng. Also attended by the Chairperson of the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions (AIPKI) Prof Dr dr Budi Santoso SpOG Subsp FER and several high-ranking ITS leaders as well as several ITS academics.

In his inauguration remarks, the Chancellor of ITS expressed his appreciation for the involvement of Universitas Airlangga (Unair) and AIPKI in the establishment of this FKK and Anatomy Laboratory. “A lot of intense coordination has been carried out between FKK ITS and AIPKI to be able to realize this Anatomy Laboratory,” said Ashari.

ITS Chancellor ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng delivered his speech at the inauguration of the ITS FKK Anatomy Laboratory

He further explained this inauguration activity is a form of ITS commitment to provide complete infrastructure provision for FKK ITS. “Even though (FKK) is the youngest faculty, ITS will continue to strive to provide qualified facilities to prepare the best doctors for the nation,” he said optimistically.

Giving a further statement regarding the Anatomy Laboratory, the Dean of FKK ITS Dr. Dr. Imam Susilo SpPA (K) FISCM MIAP explained that this laboratory would be a very important form of fulfilling the initial infrastructure. “So that the learning process can later be supported with ready equipment, this is one of the first steps taken by ITS,” he said.

Chairman of AIPKI Prof. Dr. Dr. Budi Santoso SpOG Subsp FER while giving a speech at the inauguration of the FKK ITS Anatomy Laboratory

In line with the goal of FKK ITS to become a superior medical faculty, the addition of laboratory equipment will continue to be carried out to make the Anatomy Laboratory by established standards. According to the Head of the ITS Medical Study Program Dr. Sakina MSi, currently the FKK ITS Anatomy Laboratory is ready with practicum facilities, preparation rooms, and embalming rooms for students. “We are also waiting for other supporting equipment which is expected to arrive shortly,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of AIPKI who also gave his remarks said that this inauguration step was believed to be an effort for ITS participation so that later it would be better prepared when it accepted students. “Anatomy laboratory is one of the laboratories that will be needed since the first semester, so its existence is very important,” he explained.

ITS Chancellor ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng and Chair of AIPKI Prof. Dr. Budi Santoso SpOG Subsp FER took part in directly observing the FKK ITS Anatomy Laboratory which was inaugurated

The inauguration of the Anatomy Laboratory is expected to be a new hope to continue to improve the quality of ITS FKK later. “Built by a doctor, ITS wants to continue this contribution so that the collaboration between technology and medicine can continue to synergize,” concluded Ashari enthusiastically. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Faadhillah Syhab Azzahra

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