ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to give its outstanding accomplishments on a national scale. In a recent triumph, the ITS student team secured three medals at the National Olympiad in Mathematics and Natural Sciences – Higher Education (ONMIPA-PT) 2023, a prestigious event spanning five days and concluding on Saturday (17/6).
The remarkable achievers from ITS consisted of Izzudin Ali Yafi, who claimed a gold medal in Physics, Zamrori Sudi Maulana, who earned a silver medal in Physics, and Andhika Fathurrohman, who secured a bronze medal in Chemistry.
“At this year’s ONMIPA-PT there was a positive increase with the achievement of a gold medal which ITS had not won for quite a long time,” said the 2023 ONMIPA-PT Activity Coordinator from ITS Dr rer nat Bintoro Anang Subagyo SSi MS
Bintoro further explained that this competition demanded rigorous selection processes, extensive preparation, and a significant time commitment. The initial selection began at the tertiary level, where ITS identified the top five performers in each field, namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, to participate in the regional-level selection process.
“Our regional-level selection yielded 11 talented ITS participants who successfully advanced to the national level,” stated the Physics Department lecturer from ITS.
Among the eleven ITS participants, five excelled in Physics, three in Mathematics, two in Chemistry, and one in Biology. Following these outcomes, meticulous preparations and coaching were conducted for all 11 participants to equip them for the national-level ONMIPA-PT.
Furthermore, Bintaro revealed that certain challenges, such as the limited time between the announcement and the national-level competition, presented obstacles during the process. Consequently, he acknowledged that the preparation and coaching for the national level fell short of optimization. Moreover, the scholarly individual noted that ITS students’ enthusiasm for participating in competitions and the Olympics still lags behind other pursuits, such as internships and organizational activities.
Bintoro emphasized that this annual competition serves as an opportunity for ITS to evaluate the development of its students’ abilities, particularly in the field of science. Therefore, he expressed hope that ITS students would demonstrate greater enthusiasm for engaging in the Olympics and similar competitions.
“ Diligent preparation, innovative approaches, and sufficient time devoted to coaching are key elements for excelling in this competition,” he remarked. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Muhammad Aulia Zikra
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