ITS News

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June 22, 2023 18:06

ITS Opens Two New Independent Study Programs, One of Which is the First in Indonesia

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online

The ITS Data Science Study Program was established to produce the highest Data Analyst and Data Scientist as the most sought after jobs in 2023 (source: phintraco group)

ITS Campus, ITS News – In a bid to enhance value for industry, society, and the government, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopmeber (ITS) has opened two new undergraduate study programs (prodi). This year, ITS has commenced registrations for the Data Science Study Program, an evolution of the Statistics S1 Study Program, and the Digital Innovation Study Program, an extension of the Information Systems Undergraduate Study Program.

The two study programs will accept new students through the Independent Selection pathway with a quota of 40 seats for each study program. The emergence of these two new study programs is proof that ITS will continue to exist in the field of science and technology after opening several disciplines in the health sector.

The Digital Innovation Study Program, operating under the aegis of the Information Systems Department, Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (FTEIC) at ITS, is the first study program in Indonesia. Set to commence in the academic year 2023, ITS aims to actualize students’ aspirations of venturing into business in the future.

(from right) Head of the ITS Information Systems Department Dr. Mujahidin ST MT and Ir Achmad Holil Noor Ali MKom as the initiators of the founding of the first iD Study Program in Indonesia

The Digital Innovation study program emphasizes the field of science with the goal of creating, disseminating, and marketing digital products. These two scientific domains are deemed crucial and interconnected in confronting the uncertainties of the future. Consequently, the notion of establishing the Digital Innovation study program has been embraced by ITS academics, gaining approval from the ITS Academic Senate for its inception.

Mengenai fasilitas untuk prodi baru ini, menurut Kepala Departemen Sistem Informasi ITS Dr Mudjahidin ST MT, karena ilmu ini merupakan pengembangan dari disiplin ilmu Sistem Informasi (SI), maka di masa depan akan memanfaatkan laboratorium dan gedung yang sudah ada di Departemen SI. Selain itu, dengan anggaran tambahan yang dialokasikan khusus untuk prodi ini, diharapkan dapat mendukung proses pembelajaran bagi calon mahasiswa yang berminat.

Ir Achmad Holil Noor Ali MKom as one of the ITS lecturers who sparked the idea of the ITS Digital Innovation Study Program

Of equal significance, the seven founders of the Digital Innovation study program have devised a curriculum tailored to the needs of students as pioneers of multidisciplinary undergraduate programs at ITS. One of the founders, Ir Achmad Holil Noor Ali MKom, shared insights, stating, “This study program will integrate academic programs, startups, and real-world experiences to equip students as a generation ready to assume successful roles as pioneers in digital business, creators of digital products, and growth hackers.”

Simultaneously, ITS has introduced another recent study program, the Data Science Study Program, administered by the Statistics Department within the Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD) at ITS. Dr. Dra Kartika Fithriasari MSi, the Head of the ITS Statistics Department, revealed that the selection of Data Science as a new study program was driven by ITS’s commitment to support Indonesia’s digital transformation and the government program of One Data Indonesia (SDI), which aims to generate accessible, high-quality data.

Head of the ITS Statistics Department Dr. Kartika Fithriasari MSi as the parent of the development of the ITS Data Science Study Program

Moreover, it is widely recognized that this scientific field currently ranks as one of the most sought-after professions, thereby bolstering Indonesia’s development goals for 2050. “In addition to the promising job prospects, ITS has also meticulously prepared the necessary facilities and resources to support the launch of this new study program,” emphasized Kartika, offering assurance.

Kartika further stressed that the Data Science Study Program, an extension of Statistics, encompasses various scientific disciplines. Data Science amalgamates Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and domain knowledge to process and analyze data. Kartika elaborated, “Data Science concentrates on machine learning based on statistical science and its applications in domains such as health, population, industrial business, economics, and finance.”

The recent introduction of these two study programs by ITS is poised to bolster Indonesia’s progress and foster the development of exceptional human resources. Prospective students who are interested in the Data Science Study Program and the Digital Innovation Study Program are encouraged to register for the ITS Independent Selection process, which concludes on June 25, 2023. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Lathifah Sahda

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