ITS Campus, ITS News – As the number of haj and umrah pilgrims in Indonesia increases, there are also not a few problems that often occur during these pilgrimages, such as errors in the series of hajj and umrah pilgrimages. Overcoming this problem, a lecturer at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) initiated the Mecca WABot as a personal assistant during the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages.
The initiator of Mecca WABot, Ir Achmad Holil Noor Ali MKom, said that this system was designed to be chat-based because it is easy for people of all ages to use. Thus, the WhatsApp application can be used more effectively by users. “This chatbot system is light in use and more focused on what pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims need,” he said.
Furthermore, the lecturer who is familiarly called Holil explained, the chatbot system is an auto-reply technology in the WhatsApp (WA) application. With chatbots, pilgrims will get fast information through automatic message replies on WA. “Replies given in the chatbot are in accordance with the questions asked by the congregation,” he added.
(from left) Ir Achmad Holil Noor Ali MKom, Shinta Yunita Rahmawati, and Luthfi Hakim Irawan demonstrating Mecca WABot through a device
The information available in Mecca WABot includes, among other things, a guide to the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages, practices in the holy land, and knowledge about mosques in Mecca. In addition, there are directions for the location of pilgrimage sites, traces of the Prophet, areas and hotels, places for souvenirs, and travel routes. “Mecca WABot has been integrated with Google Maps, so that it can make it easier for pilgrims to get lost in Mecca,” he said.
The features and information contained in Mecca WABot are not only in the form of text and images but are available in audio form. The audio is also connected to the YouTube page which is visualized in the form of a video. “This feature is expected to be interactive and applicable because it is easy to use anywhere,” explained the ITS Information Systems Department lecturer.
Ir Achmad Holil Noor Ali MKom when explaining the features contained in Mecca WABot
With this innovation packaged through Mecca WABot, Holil hopes to help solve the problems experienced by pilgrims and Umrah. So that the Hajj and Umrah trips can run according to the recommended pillars. “Hopefully Mecca WABot can help pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims become mabrur hajj,” concluded Holil hopefully.
Together with Holil, there is a team of students who are involved in developing Mecca WABot. These students came from the ITS Information Systems Department including Luthfi Hakim Irawan, Fathia Rahmanisa Dzakiyyarani, Hanny, and Shinta Yunita Rahmawati. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Rayinda Santriana US
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