ITS News

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July 04, 2023 17:07

ITS Opens the Artificial Intelligence Engineering and Software Engineering Study Program

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Head of the ITS Informatics Engineering Department Prof. Dr. Eng Chastine Fatichah SKom MKom when explaining the Artificial Intelligence Engineering and Software Engineering study programs that have just opened at ITS through the Independent Selection 2023 batch II

ITS Campus, ITS News – To keep up with technological developments in today’s society, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has opened two new study programs (prodi), namely Artificial Intelligence Engineering (RKA) and Software Engineering (RPL). The two new study programs are the development of the Informatics Engineering Undergraduate Study Program under the Informatics Engineering Department, Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (FTEIC) ITS.

Declaring it an international tertiary institution that is a reference in the development of innovation, ITS creates study programs with comprehensive education and practical development skills in the field of technology. The two new study programs officially opened their registration from 3 – 9 July 2023 through the Second batch of Independent Selection with a quota of 40 seats for each study program.

ITS Secretary Dr. Ir Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc was also present to explain the two new study programs under the ITS Informatics Engineering Department

Head of the ITS Informatics Engineering Department Prof. Dr. Eng Chastine Fatichah SKom MKom revealed, because they are under the auspices of the Informatics Engineering Department, these two new study programs also utilize the same facilities, facilities, and infrastructure in the department. “Laboratories and lecturers who will support learning later are also the same as those that existed before in Informatics Engineering,” he added.

Chastine explained the RKA Study Program was designed to study techniques for developing systems of thinking, learning, and human adaptation. Focusing on the principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI), students will be equipped with the skills to create smart and innovative solutions in various industries. “Graduates of this study program will have competence in designing, analyzing, implementing, and testing effective and efficient AI systems,” explained the ITS Informatics Engineering Professor.

Meanwhile, the RPL Study Program itself is designed to study software development. Such as focusing on software design, development, testing, project management, and maintenance, as well as the latest software development environment, namely DevOps Development. “Students are designed to be able to learn by collaborating on technical ideas with teams using technological adaptations and industry trends that are developing rapidly,” said the woman who was born in Pasuruan.

Secretary of the ITS Informatics Engineering Department Ary Mazharuddin Shiddiqi SKom MCompSc Ph.D. when interviewed by one of the media crew regarding the Artificial Intelligence Engineering Study Program (RKA) and Software Engineering (RPL) at ITS

Explained by the Secretary of the ITS Informatics Engineering Department Ary Mazharuddin Shiddiqi SKom MComp Sc PhD, these two new study programs have been touted since the end of 2021. The rapid development of AI shows the right momentum to develop more specific study programs. In line with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the development of computer science disciplines is now increasing with this RPL and RKA study program. “That is the background for the birth of these two new study programs at ITS,” explained Ary.

No need to worry continued Ary, these two study programs offer bright job prospects for their graduate students in the future. Designed according to future market needs, the two study programs create specifically talented human resources. “Although future work will be streamlined by AI, it is also possible to open new jobs,” said the ITS alumnus.

As additional information, through the Independent Selection pathway, the fee scheme required for students of this study program is divided into three categories namely Educational Development Donations (SPP), Institutional Development Donations (SPI), and Academic Development Donations (SPA). The SPP itself requires fees ranging from Rp. 7.5 million to Rp. 12 million per semester. Then, SPI is paid in a nominal amount of IDR 25 million in the first year of college. Finally, SPA is paid IDR 5 million each semester and is paid up to semester 6.

The hope, according to Ary, is that this new ITS program is appropriate and relevant to the demands of the industry in the future. With lecturers who are competent in their fields, experienced faculty, and modern facilities, it is hoped that it will be able to support the next generation and innovators in the field of technology in the future. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Silvita Pramadani

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