ITS News

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July 24, 2023 09:07

ITS Robot Team Wins 24 Awards at the FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2023

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ITS ICHIRO team after participating in the FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2023 held in Germany

ITS Campus, ITS News – The proud robotics team of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), ICHIRO and IRIS, have made proud achievements again at the international stage. This time, ITS has won a grand total of 24 awards at once at the international FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2023 in Woftenbuettel, Germany.

The Advisory Coordinator of ITS Robotics Team, Muhtadin ST MT, said that this robot competition is an annual event held by the Federation of International Robot Sports Association (FIRA). This offline robot competition focuses on developing robots that can move independently and perform particular tasks in a limited area.

At that moment, several world-class universities from Brazil, Mexico, Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan, Germany, and Russia also participated in the FIRA RoboWorld Cup competition. ITS ICHIRO team has already participated in this prestigious world event since 2016 in a row.

“Since then, ITS ICHIRO Team has never been absent from defending the championship titles and awards from the various categories that exist,” he said.

ITS ICHIRO Team Leader, Atha Andara Utomo, explained that the team which was established in 2012 is participating again in the Humanoid Robot Cup (Hurocup) sub-competition.

ITS ICHIRO team with their three robots in the FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2023 competition

“The sub-competition focuses on developing the field of humanoid robotics including robots to walk, set balance, and perform complex movements,” he explained.

Furthermore, it was explained that Hurocup is divided into two race classes based on the size and weight of the robot. The two classes are the Hurocup Pro Adult with maximum size up to 180 centimeters and weight of up to 50 kilograms, and the Hurocup Pro Kid with maximum size up to 60 centimeters and weight of up to 20 kilograms.

“For these two classes, ICHIRO ITS came up with the three superior robots, namely ICHIRO Adult Size, ICHIRO Kid 1, and ICHIRO Kid 2,” he added.

In each of these classes, there are several competition categories such as Archery, Basketball, Sprint, Mini DRC, Obstacle Run, Marathon, All Round, Soccer, and Lifting Weights. From these several categories, the Adult Size robot won the 1st place in the Mini DRC category, while Sprint Running, Obstacle Running, Archery, Weightlifting, and Marathon won the 2nd place in the All Round category, and they also got the 3rd place in the Basketball category.

The Mechanical Engineering Department student continued that the second robot called ICHIRO Kid Size 1 won the 1st place in the Football category, the 2nd place in the All Round, Mini DRC, and Obstacle Running categories, and the 3rd place in the Sprint Running, Weightlifting, Basketball, and Marathon categories. The last robot, ICHIRO Kid Size 2, won the 2nd place in the Marathon, Weightlifting, and Soccer categories and the 3rd place in the All Round, Obstacle Running, and Mini DRC categories.

This success can not be spared from the innovation of ITS ICHIRO Team by carrying out several developments from the previous robot. For the material of adult-size robots, ITS ICHIRO uses aluminum in several parts to reduce the robot’s weight and make it easier to move.

In addition, the claws design was also adjusted to enable ITS ICHIRO Team robot to take part in all competition categories without having to modify them first and lead them to win the All-round Champion.

ITS Robotics Team Awards in the FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2023 event

Another team which also made proud is the IRIS ITS Team, which competed in the FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2023 Simulation Autonomous Car sub-competition. The participants are challenged to create an unmanned car programming language to be able to pass through obstacles and move as fast as possible.

The programming language will be simulated so that the performance of the unmanned car can be observed. The programming language they designed successfully carried ITS IRIS Team to win the 1st place.

That way, Muhtadin said, the robotics team represented by ICHIRO and IRIS brought home a grand total of 24 awards in the event from 17 to 21 July. He said that he was proud of this achievement.

“Well preparation and hard work from ITS Robotics Team finally produced satisfying results,” he concluded. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Tyara Novia Andhin

Translator: Hanifah Inayah

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