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Wednesday, January 29, 2025
July 25, 2023 20:07

One More Step, ITS Medicine is Ready to Accept New Students

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online

All ranks of the PTKes LAM assessor team and ITS officials and FKK ITS at the arrival of the PTKes LAM assessor team

ITS Campus, ITS News – Just one step away, the Medical Study Program of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember is ready to accept new students. This can be seen at the visitation of the Collaborative Assessor Team of the Indonesian Health Higher Education Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM-PTKes) in the framework of the final assessment of the Medical Study Program. The assessment by the LAM-PTKes Assessor Team at ITS was carried out for two days until Tuesday (25/7).

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng expressed his gratitude to the entire LAM-PTKes assessor team and the ITS Faculty of Medicine and Health (FKK), who have worked hard in preparing everything for this new study program. Moreover, the main goal of establishing the ITS Medical Study Program is to produce excellent doctors that the nation can rely on.

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng gave a brief speech containing his background and hopes for the future of ITS Medicine

“Our goal is not just to get accreditation but to get input from the LAM-PTKes assessor team, which will be a record and improvement for ITS Medicine,” said Ashari. Hopefully, ITS Medicine will be able to help the shortage of doctors in Indonesia and be able to place themselves well in this industrial 4.0 era.

Dean of the ITS Faculty of Medicine and Health Dr. Dr. Imam Susilo SpPA(K) FISCM MIAP and Deputy Dean of the ITS Faculty of Medicine and Health Dr. Ir Adhi Dharma Wibawa ST MT when reporting ITS Medical preparations to the LAM PTKes assessor team

The Dean of FKK ITS, Dr. Dr. Imam Susilo SpPA (K) FISCM MIAP explained, the assessment by LAM-PTKes covered the curriculum, Human Resources (HR), and Study Program learning facilities. Preparation for the assessment by LAM-PTKes has started since the beginning of 2023 as well as preparing ITS Medicine. “We have prepared all the requirements needed to form a Health Study Program according to standards,” explained Imam.

If you have received accreditation from LAM-PTKes, Imam said Medicine ITS is ready to accept 50 new students as pioneers or the first generation. Prospective new students can register in the ITS Partnership, Independent, and Achievement Selection (SKMP) immediately . “As a university that has a founder of a doctor, we hope to be able to produce the nation’s best doctors,” said Imam.

The LAM-PTKes collaboration assessor team consists of six members from three representatives of the LAM-PTKes and three people from the Indonesian Medical Council, the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions, and the Association of Indonesian Teaching Hospitals. With the ranks of this assessment team, Imam admits that he has done his best to prepare for ITS Medical accreditation.

Imam assured that the presence of the LAM-PTKes assessor team at ITS was a concrete step to formalize the ITS Medical Study Program. This is because the authority to grant accreditation to Study Programs in the health sector is mandated to LAM-PTKes by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). “With the accreditation from LAM PTKes, ITS Medicine is proven to be suitable for producing good doctors for the nation,” said Imam.

Apart from presenting the assessment results, the assessor team also provided input to improve ITS Medicine in the future. Of the two visitation days, the first day was preparation and introduction to every element of ITS FKK and stakeholders. Continued on the second day, namely the period of review, assessment, and presentation of the assessment results as well as the closing of the ITS Medical Study Program accreditation assessment by LAM-PTKes.

The assessment was carried out in private by a team of assessors in the Medical Study Program by interviewing lecturers and education staff. Some of the inputs include providing a detailed certificate (SK) to lecturers or educational staff in the Medical Study Program and the completeness of student learning practice facilities in the future.

“The LAM-PTKes assessment was very comprehensive, including visiting the Dr. Wahidin Husodo Hospital in Mojokerto and then returning to Surabaya to visit the ITS Medical Center,” explained Imam.

The Head of the Assessor Team, Prof Dr Ari Yunanto dr Sp A (K) S H, when giving the results of the minutes to the Dean of the ITS Faculty of Medicine and Health Dr dr Imam Susilo SpPA (K) FISCM MIAP

Meanwhile, the Head of the Assessor Team, Prof Dr Ari Yunanto dr Sp A (K) S H, said that the purpose of this visitation was to ensure the quality of higher education health education. “We plan, implement, examine, act, and continue to evaluate so that the LAM-PTKes system and mechanism can be monitored and evaluated for progress,” said the Team Leader.

After getting the minutes from the LAM-PTKes assessor team, the results of ITS Medical accreditation will be submitted after being discussed with the LAM PTKes assembly. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Gandhi Kesuma

Translator: Hanifah Inayah

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