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July 27, 2023 18:07

ITS Professors Develop Tools To Avoid Software Engineering Failures

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online

Prof Daniel Oranova Siahaan SKom MSc PD Eng while presenting software analysis in the scientific oration of its inaugural session

ITS Campus, ITS News – In an era of ever-evolving technology, software has become a critical component inseparable from human life. Departing from this, the professor of the Department of Informatics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Prof. Daniel Oranova Siahaan SKom MSc PD Eng is proud to develop new methods and tools in software engineering artifacts analysis.

The newly inaugurated 158th ITS professor said that software engineering has become the main approach in building and operating software efficiently and effectively. The increasingly complex use of the software requires a scientific and measurable approach to building, operating, and maintaining it. “Surveys show that nearly 70 percent of software development projects in the US are considered to have failed,” he explained.

Furthermore, this man from Palembang explained that the main problem that arises is how to effectively apply software engineering artifact analysis to identify potential defects, improve interrelationships between artifacts, and ensure product quality. Therefore, Daniel continues to do some research.

Processes and knowledge areas in the field of software engineering that are the subject of analysis Prof. Daniel Oranova Siahaan SKom MSc PD Eng

The innovative method proposed by Daniel is UStrack (User Story Tracker) which allows the extraction of user stories from online news. User stories are a crucial form of software requirements specification in Agile-based development methodologies. The UStrack method leverages natural language processing technology and enables developers to find functional and non-functional system requirements within a software project, even with limited data sources.

It didn’t stop there. The professor also developed MultiPhiLDA, a new method capable of irrelevant requirements identification in the Software Requirements Specification (SKPL). This method uses a sophisticated rating approach based on Angle-Based Outlier Factor (ABOF) values to separate irrelevant requirements statements from the overall SKPL population.

In the education field, research related to the analysis of software artifacts also plays an important role. Daniel has developed a solution that helps e-learning developers to build an automated scoring system for the types of questions that accept the technical design, especially in terms of software design artifacts.

“This is an important breakthrough in online learning because it can increase the efficiency and accuracy of student assessments,” said the Head of the ITS Scientific Publication Center.

Continuing his research, the application of similarity measurement methods between software artifacts was also a significant breakthrough for Daniel. By taking into account the structural and semantic similarities in various types of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams, this method enables automated assessments that are very useful for software development.

Chairperson of the ITS Professors Council Prof Dr Ir Imam Robandi MT (left) when giving a certificate after confirming Prof Daniel Oranova Siahaan SKom MSc PD Eng as the 158th ITS Professor

Through the analysis that has been done, Daniel admits that he often faces a number of challenges and problems in his research, such as limited and confidential research dataset limitations, difficulties in software project data acquisition, the domain-dependent nature of research, and limited literature. However, despite these challenges, Daniel sees potential opportunities to develop test datasets and create innovations that are beneficial for society and industry.

Finally, the Gemastik judge added, the analysis he conducted could boost productivity and cost efficiency while also opening up new business opportunities that positively impact economic growth. Moreover, with the advancement of new methods and techniques, this research also contributes to educational materials development in the software engineering field. “This will support the human resources development in facing the ever-evolving digital era,” he concluded. (ITS PR)

Reporter : Lathifah Sahda

Translator : Hanifah Inayah

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