ITS News

Monday, January 27, 2025
August 01, 2023 18:08

ITS Medicine Officially Opens Registration for New Student Entrance Selection 2023/2024

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online

ITS Leaders and the Ministry of Health Team during a visitation to the ITS Faculty of Medicine and Health (FKK) Building

ITS Campus, ITS News – The commitment of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to contribute to the development of medical education in Indonesia will soon be realized. After completing several stages of the submission process along with fulfilling various requirements, the Faculty of Medicine and Health (FKK) ITS with the support of coaching from the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, officially opened registration for the selection of new students for the General Independent pathway for the Medical Study Program (Prodi), on August 1–6 2023.

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng explained, ITS opened the Medicine Study Program for several reasons. Among them is participating in solving challenges in the world of health by educating and producing qualified doctors in Indonesia. The number of doctors is still limited and most of them are domiciled in big cities in Indonesia. “The number of doctors in Indonesia still does not meet WHO standards, ideally 1:1000,” he explained.

In addition, millennial doctors in the current Industrial Revolution era are required to have competence in the field of technology such as Artificial Intelligence, Nano Technology, data analytics and 3D printing technology in the medical field. “That is the advantage of medicine at ITS,” said the ITS Electrical Engineering lecturer.

The ITS Medical Study Program has been designed as a superior, high-quality study program to produce professional doctors. “ITS is ready to educate students to become adaptive doctors with the latest medical technology to meet the needs of national health independence,” said the man who is familiarly called Ashari.

ITS Leaders during a visit to RSUD Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Mojokerto City

Meanwhile, for the Teaching Hospital, ITS cooperates with Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Mojokerto City. This is because the hospital is very suitable to be used as a practice place for new doctors. “We chose Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Mojokerto City, because it meets the requirements as an Teaching Hospital. In addition, the cases handled at the hospital are suitable for new doctors,” he added.

Dean of the ITS Faculty of Medicine and Health Dr. Dr. Imam Susilo SpPA(K) FISCM MIAP (left) and Deputy Dean of the ITS Faculty of Medicine and Health Dr. Ir Adhi Dharma Wibawa ST MT

Deputy Dean of the ITS Faculty of Medicine and Health, Dr. Ir Adhi Dharma Wibawa ST MT added, registration for the ITS Medical Study Program was only opened after fulfilling the requirements for opening a medical study program from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Education Health (LAMPTKes). “Alhamdulillah, apart from getting recommendations from the Ministry of Health, ITS also received recommendations from LAMPTKes,” he said gratefully.

ITS Medicine Study Program is an optional study program that must be considered. Laboratory facilities, classes, buildings, teaching hospitals, as well as qualified lecturers and experts are ready to assist students in achieving a brighter future for Indonesia’s health.

ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng and Chair of AIPKI Prof Dr dr Budi Santoso SpOG Subsp FER when directly observing the Anatomy Laboratory, one of the laboratories in FKK ITS

The Head of the ITS Admission Subdirectorate Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc explained the details of the schedule for this selection process. After registration closes on 6 August 2023, the results of the selection will be announced on 8 August 2023. Then, participants who are declared to have passed must undergo a medical test on 9-10 August 2023. Failure to do this medical test can abort acceptance status. Finally, participants who have passed the medical test can re-register on 10-12 August 2023.

Unggul added that the assessment of the entrance selection for the Medical Study Program would be based on report cards and the results of the Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) for prospective students in 2023. Selection of report cards from subjects consisting of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. “For UTBK scores there are no special provisions but the latest results are mandatory, namely 2023,” he said.

The lecturer at the ITS Mechanical Engineering Department explained that ITS had prepared 50 seats to be contested by prospective new students. Due to the very short registration time, in this period ITS has not yet opened up opportunities for acceptance for College Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) participants.

FKK ITS Faculty of Medicine and Health Building

Regarding the registration process, Unggul appealed to all participants to immediately create a My ITS Admission account on the page. Later, participants will be directed to register by entering their personal data and uploading the required number of files. Finally, after registering, participants can immediately return to the homepage and then choose the selection path to follow.

The Head of the ITS Medical Study Program, Dr. Sakina MSi invited high school graduates in Indonesia to take part. Sakina said, studying medicine at ITS would be juxtaposed with advanced technology in order to produce innovative medical graduates. It is hoped that the opening of this study program will help strengthen the role of ITS in society. “In accordance with the adopted motto, namely Advancing Humanity,” he said optimistically. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhani

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