ITS Industrial Product Design Lecturer Dr. Agus Windharto DEA as one of the figures behind the exterior and interior designs of the Jabodebek LRT train
ITS Campus, ITS News – Jakarta Bogor Depok Bekasi (Jabodebek) Light Rail Transit (LRT) as one of the modern public transportations is one of the government’s efforts to unravel traffic jams in the capital. Supporting this, lecturer at the Department of Industrial Product Design (Despro) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Dr Agus Windharto DEA was trusted to be the designer for the exterior and interior of the passenger train on the Jabodebek LRT.
Agus explained that the design work began with stakeholder analysis to determine the needs of each party involved. This is done to find out the limitations that need to be applied to the design to match the demands of the intended target. “This information will later have a big impact on the overall design or features that will be made,” he explained.
According to Agus, interior design also prioritizes ergonomics and passenger comfort, including wheelchair users. Some arrangements such as the width of the road or space for wheelchair movement are one of the determinants of the layout of the room in it. “Passenger anthropometry is one of the considerations that determines the height or position of accommodation on this train,” he added.
3D design display of the Jabodebek LRT train made by a team consisting of ITS lecturers and alumni as well as PT INKA which will be inaugurated on August 18
The safety aspect is also one of the main considerations in making this passenger train. This determines the accommodation layout and accessibility to the exit. “In the event of an accident or emergency, trains are designed so that passengers can get out in the shortest possible time,” said the doctoral graduate at the Universite de Technologie De Compiegne (UTC), France.
Regarding the exterior design, Agus continued, various analyzes were carried out to determine the nature and feasibility of the designs he made. Some of them, such as aerodynamic analysis, geometry analysis, crash worthiness analysis, and structural strength analysis of passenger trains, were not spared from his observations. “Because they are interconnected, design improvements and repetition of analyzes continue to be carried out until they reach the ideal point,” he said.
Ergonomic analysis was also carried out to determine passenger comfort when on the train by considering the user’s anthropometric aspects
Agus hopes that the Jabodebek LRT can be the answer to people’s needs for comfortable public transportation and can help unravel the traffic jams that have existed so far. Agus also expressed his commitment to continue to support downstream technology. “This step shows that industry and universities must be connected to advance development in Indonesia,” he concluded.
The use of extruded aluminum material in car bodies or passenger trains on the Jabodebek LRT can provide a weight reduction of up to 20 tonnes compared to the use of stainless steel material.
To be inaugurated on August 18, the research carried out by Agus and a team consisting of ITS lecturers and alumni as well as PT INKA is also still receiving funding from the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) at that time. Not only that, the LRT design, which was created from 2018 to 2020, has also received the Good Design Indonesia award or the best design work award in Indonesia in 2022 from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Ricardo Hokky Wibisono
Translator: Nabila Aprilia Putri
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