ITS News

Sunday, March 09, 2025
September 04, 2023 13:09

Anargya ITS Successfully Won the Champion Title at FSAE Japan 2023

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ITS Anargya Team driver Dhaifan Wira Laksono from the ITS Electrical Engineering Department while driving the Anargya EV Mark 3.0 car ready to compete at FSAE Japan 2023

ITS Campus, ITS News – For the umpteenth time, encouraging news comes from the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) electric car team. Through the latest innovation of the superior formula electric car EV Mark 3.0, ITS through the Anargya Team succeeded in winning two awards at the same time in the prestigious Formula Society Automotive Engineer (FSAE) Japan 2023 event, last Saturday (2/9).

FSAE Japan is an annual international electric car competition that requires students to be able to design and produce a single-passenger car shaped like a Formula racing car. This time, the FSAE Japan competition was attended by 62 teams from various world-class universities in China, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, and host Japan. This year, Anargya ITS is the only team from Indonesia.

The Anargya EV Mark 3.0 car is inspected by the FSAE Japan 2023 judges before racing

General Manager of the ITS Anargya Team, Rafif Herdian Noor, revealed that there are two categories in this cross-country competition, namely Static Event and Dynamic Event. The ITS Anargya Team succeeded in securing the title of 3rd Place in Business Plan Presentation and 3rd Best for View Drawing Award. “We tried hard to visualize everything regarding the business plan and view drawings of this latest version of the Anargya car,” he said.

Responding to his victory, this third-year ITS Industrial Mechanical Engineering student admitted that this success was due to the innovation of the ITS Anargya Team by carrying out several developments from previous electric cars. One of them is a change in the material of the car body, which is changed to carbon fiber. “This change in materials can reduce the car’s mass load by up to 38 percent,” explained Rafif.

Moh Rafi Bima Adi Saputra from the ITS Industrial Mechanical Engineering Department tries to drive the Anargya EV Mark 3.0 car before competing on the FSAE Japan 2023 track

Not only that, he continued, innovation was also carried out by incorporating components made by the Anargya team themselves, including batteries that were assembled according to international regulatory standards. This battery has fire-resistant capabilities which makes it safer in emergencies. The team also equipped the car with an air conditioning system that is supplied through the side pods, thereby increasing efficiency and battery life. Not to forget, the battery capacity has also been increased to 7.46 kilowatt-hours.

View drawing of the ITS Anargya Team’s electric car which won the 3rd Best title in the FSAE Japan 2023 event

This student from Kediri expressed his gratitude because ITS has made many contributions to the Anargya Team so that it can continue to be active through this support. Material and moral assistance from ITS has played an important role in Anargya’s success in preparation over the past year. “In the future, Anargya will continue to strive to provide the best for ITS,” he said optimistically.

The ITS Anargya Team took third place in the Static Event category in the Business Plan branch in the prestigious Formula Society Automotive Engineer (FSAE) Japan 2023 event

Lastly, Rafif hopes that the ITS Anargya Team can optimize the electric cars they make. Apart from that, his team has evaluated several shortcomings, so that in the future they can prepare better and reach the highest podium again in various competition events. “Anargya also still has a lot of time to improve and achieve the best efficiency for his electric car,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Lathifah Sahda

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