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September 15, 2023 10:09

20 Years Old, Qonita Becomes the Youngest Graduate at ITS 128th Graduation Ceremony

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Qonita Qurratu Aini was named the youngest graduate at the 128th ITS Graduation Ceremony

Kampus ITS, ITS News – Still 20 years and 4 months old, Qonita Qurratu Aini was named the youngest graduate at the 128th Graduation Ceremony of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). Graduating as a bachelor at a fairly young age in fact did not prevent the ITS Mathematics Department students who graduated on the first day, Saturday (16/9), from being active in various organizations and making achievements.

Qonita said that she started receiving education at school when she was two years old as a Playgroup (KB) student. Then, Qonita continued elementary school (SD) and junior high school (SMP) with the same educational time as other students. “I myself only joined the accelerated program when I was in high school, so only two years,” he explained.

This alumnus of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Malang City revealed that being younger than his classmates had never been a significant obstacle for him. He admitted that he always received support from his loved ones, including when deciding to continue choosing the Mathematics study program at ITS. “So far there have been no significant difficulties, because the environment is always supportive,” admitted the daughter of Dr Windarto MSi and Widayati Setyorini SE.

Qonita Qurrotu Aini, the youngest graduate at ITS’s 128th Graduation Ceremony (third from left) with the CariHerb application development team in the Google for Indonesia Show Case activity

This eldest of two siblings revealed that mathematics has been his favorite subject since he was in elementary school. Interestingly, he also always gets perfect National Examination (UN) scores in these subjects. “Until with Allah’s permission I was accepted (entering ITS) via the SBMPTN route,” said the winner of first place in the ITS Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ) 10 Juz branch in 2020.

At first, Qonita thought that the mathematics she studied at college would be similar to what she learned at school. It turns out that more than that, the interests of the mathematics department are very broad and varied. Qonita herself chose to focus on the application of mathematics in the field of computer science, which she also applied in writing her final assignment.

Qonita Qurratu Aini from Mathematics Department ITS is ready to celebrate her graduation as the youngest graduate at ITS’ 128th Graduation Ceremony

Furthermore, Qonita has also participated in Google’s Rise program with a focus on machine learning. Through this program, he and his team succeeded in creating the CariHerb application, a herbal plant detection application that runs through a cellphone camera. Unmitigated, through this work they succeeded in obtaining funding from Google and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

Not only active in the academic world, Qonita is also involved in various internal and external organizations in her department. He, who has an interest in the fields of design and publication, is actively involved in the Mathematics Student Association (HIMATIKA) and the Islamic Spiritual Studies Institute (LKKI) of the ITS Mathematics Department as staff of the Media and Information Department.

Apart from the various activities she participates in, this student from Surabaya is certainly not free from various obstacles. Qonita often has problems dividing her time between her various responsibilities, especially since she is also taking a fast track program at the Master’s level in the Mathematics Study Program while she is in her final semester of undergraduate studies.

Qonita Qurratu Aini (standing right) with colleagues from the Islamic Spiritual Studies Institute (LKKI) ITS Mathematics Department

However, it turns out that these obstacles actually make this figure who was born on May 29 2003 continue to be enthusiastic. In managing his busy life, he always prioritizes things that are priorities. “Actually, it’s as simple as setting priorities which ones need to be done first, determining work which, if done first, can make other work easier,” he suggested.

In the future, Qonita plans to complete her master’s degree before entering the world of practitioners. He also advised ITS students to continue to be enthusiastic and maximize learning opportunities while they are students. “Don’t waste the opportunity to work in the field that we are interested in, it could be that this convenience arises from the various mandates that we carry out when we are students,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Fathia Rahmanisa

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