ITS Campus, ITS News – In facing an increasingly complex and challenging digital era, the Department of Information Technology (DTI) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) collaborates with QSCert Indonesia to hold international standard information security management system training. Focusing on ISO/IEC 27001: 2013 training, this activity directly invited the expert, President Director of QSCert Indonesia Ir Arief Syawaldi, as a speaker.
The head of the activity organizer, Ir Muchammad Husni MKom, said that the current urgency regarding data security was why this training was held. “Through this activity, we facilitate agencies and professionals to secure their data better,” he explained.
The lecturer, who is familiarly called Husni, explained that the training activity was attended by more than 60 participants from various districts or cities throughout East Java. “Currently, amidst the growth of information technology and the rapid shift to digitalization, organizations need to maintain the integrity, confidentiality and availability of data,” he explained.
Furthermore, said Husni, this training focuses on material regarding basic information security principles, global standards, and best practices for identifying, reducing risks, and protecting organizational data. “Participants are equipped with more effective information security management and its implementation in the workplace,” he explained.
In more depth, Husni revealed the primary material presented in this training was how to manage policies, planning and information according to standards. Participants also received facilities in the form of electronic certificates from QSCert Indonesia after passing the test at the end of the event. The trial aims to determine whether each participant’s institutional security system meets the required requirements.
Not only that, the activity, which was held in the ITS Tower II Building, was first opened with a Guest Lecture activity from the World Class Professor (WCP) program. Material regarding Information Security was the main discussion topic delivered by Prof. Yasuo Musashi from Kumamoto University.
This Japanese professor explained several things, including cyber security threat detection systems or what is usually called Botnets and also Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to share Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). He also shared his research on malware detection methods using Self-Supervised Learning and Image Representation approaches.
Cybersecurity practitioners are also invited to attend this series of events. The reason is that the two speakers shared much experience and inspiration, which can be adopted by various parties, including the academic community at ITS, both lecturers and students.
Husni also explained that in the future, DTI will continue to contribute to strengthening the qualifications of professionals in Indonesia by providing advanced ISO training. “Attention to securing data is significant, and I hope that more parties will also be moved to take the right steps in the future,” he said hopefully. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Faadhillah Syhab Azzahra
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