ITS News

Sunday, July 28, 2024
September 24, 2023 14:09

Inspirational! Father and Son Compact Graduated Together at ITS

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online

Mochamad Sahal ST MSc (right) and his son Muhammad Usama Sahal when wearing Bima and Gatotkaca costumes, which represent father and son in the Pandawa story

ITS Campus, ITS News – The graduation moment is touching for most people, even for the Lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering (DTE) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Dr Mochamad Sahal ST MSc, who had the opportunity to hold a graduation ceremony at the same time as his son at the ITS 128th Graduation Ceremony, Sunday (24/9).

The man, familiarly called Sahal, admitted that he could not imagine sharing a historic moment with his son, Muhammad Usama Sahal. Putra Sahal completed his undergraduate studies at DTE ITS in eight semesters. This moment was even more special because Sahal had just completed his academic journey with a closed doctoral session on July 29.

Through this achievement, Sahal obtained a doctorate from the ITS DTE doctoral program with brilliant academic accomplishments and a cumulative achievement index (GPA) of 3.93. He was followed by his son, who completed his undergraduate program with a GPA of 3.46. Even though they both got very satisfying grades, Sahal revealed that their journey had many obstacles.

Sahal revealed that he carried out dual roles as father, husband and student during his several years of study during his several years of study. Amid this busy life, he also carries out teaching responsibilities. His double life as a student and educator became a challenge he faced with determination and enthusiasm.

Mochamad Sahal ST MSc’s family together after he underwent a Closed Doctoral Promotion Session on July 29

Not only that, in the final stages of his studies with his beloved son, this father of four felt unable to provide full support to Usama, his son’s nickname, in completing his final assignment. “Being able to graduate together could be considered a miracle because there were many obstacles in several ways,” he explained.

In an atmosphere full of emotion and pride, this father and son, who sincerely love Indonesian art, felt very grateful. Their entire family and relatives also shared the happiness of this extraordinary achievement. Sahal also did not forget to express his gratitude to Prof Dr Ir Muhammad Nuh DEA, who has been a strong pillar in his journey to success.

Sahal (centre, wearing a jacket) and Prof Dr Ir Muhammad Nuh DEA (in blue shirt), as well as all relatives and family who have supported him all this time

Not to forget, with solid support from family, friends and mentors, Sahal and his children proved that big dreams can be realized. Their achievements reflect their strenuous efforts, courage and sincerity in maintaining and developing such valuable educational progress.

In the historic moment of his graduation, this bespectacled man hopes that his and his only son’s future will be filled with ease in their careers, research and studies. Sahal emphasized to everyone to never stop trying and praying.

“Because success does not come by itself, but through determination and persistent effort. “Don’t be afraid to face challenges with confidence and burning enthusiasm,” concluded Sahal enthusiastically. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Mifda Khoirotul Azma

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