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October 04, 2023 15:10

Apps4Waste, ITS Efforts to Encourage the Circular Economy of the City of Surabaya

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Gambar tim Parahyangan ketika berselebrasi bersama maskot brone GEMASTIK XVI

(from left) Fransiskus Benyamin Sitompul, Komang Ryandhi Suandita, and Fathin Muhashibi Putra celebrating with the brone mascot GEMASTIK XVI after successfully winning the title of hopeful champion for Apps4Waste

ITS Campus, ITS News – Striving to improve the circular economy, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) students who are members of the Parahyangan team are innovating the transformation and digitalization of waste banks. Apps4Waste is here as an effort to overcome the problem of piles of waste in final disposal sites (TPA) which causes health, economic, and social problems.

The team consisting of Fathin Muhashibi Putra from the Informatics Engineering Department, Komang Ryandhi Suandita from the Mathematics Department, and Fransiskus Benyamin Sitompul from the Information Technology Department said that this idea emerged as a response to the need for a waste bank that could efficiently connect the community and the recycling industry. repeat. The reason is that the implementation of the waste bank concept in the city of Surabaya is still less than optimal due to operations and administration that are still manual, as well as a lack of connection between each stakeholder.

In a study of problems that spill over into all aspects, the Apps4Waste application has been successfully launched and has succeeded in streamlining the role of waste banks in metropolitan cities. This system was designed to increase the active role of society in encouraging sustainable economic growth through an innovative circular economy concept.

Gambar tampilan Apps4Waste, aplikasi layanan digitalisasi bank sampah

ITS Mathematics Department student, Komang Ryandhi Suandita, when explaining the features of the Apps4Waste application

The man who is familiarly called Ryan explained that people who act as customers need to go through the registration stages on the application. Next, customers must choose one of the available waste banks and continue with the waste sorting process.

“As an initial stage, customers have the option to send their waste directly to the nearest waste bank,” said this student from Bandung.

The team, which was guided by ITS Informatics Engineering Lecturer, Ir Ary Mazharuddin Shiddiqi SKom MCompSc PhD IPM, also presented another alternative in the process of sending waste to service providers through scheduling with the relevant waste bank, which is usually used by customers from agencies such as schools and offices. “This option is provided to make it easier for customers in the process of sending their waste,” added Ryan.

After receiving waste from the community, the next step is to weigh it carefully to determine a fair price. The waste bank has also integrated modern technology through the Apps4Waste application which allows recording photos and data which will serve as proof of transactions for customers.

Gambar tim Parahyangan ITS ketika melakukan sosialisasi penggunaan sistem Apps4Waste

The ITS Parahyangan Team when socializing the use of the Apps4Waste system to the management of the Surabaya Main Waste Bank

With this database, waste collected in waste banks can be easily directed to industries that require recycled raw materials. Not only is it beneficial for waste banks and their customers, but also provides significant support to the industry.

Recycling industry players no longer need to manually check existing raw material stocks. The feature allows the industry to quickly find out the availability of goods in various Waste Banks, optimize their supply chain, and in turn, drive the growth of the recycling industry as a whole.

In addition, the government will also gain significant benefits from the ability to monitor and analyze waste turnover rates in real time. With this system, the government can assess the performance of each waste bank and track the amount of waste that has been successfully processed. With the ease of this analysis process, it is hoped that the government can determine appropriate policies regarding waste management in the area.

Gambar fitur pelaporan data recycling rate yang dapat diakses secara real time oleh pemerintah

The recycling rate data reporting feature was the idea of the ITS Parahyangan Team which can be accessed in real-time by the government

Thanks to this environmentally friendly innovation, the Parahyangan team succeeded in achieving achievement as the hopeful champion in the Smart City division at the XVI National Student Exhibition for Information and Communication Technology (Gemastik) 2023. “Hopefully Apps4waste can be implemented optimally, providing significant benefits for the environmental ecosystem and community,” concluded Ryan full of hope. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Mohammad Febryan Khamim

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