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October 04, 2023 13:10

ITS Students Developed a Digital Parking Service Application

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
Gambar tim Oriental Don saat meraih medali perak Kota Cerdas Gemastik XVI

(dari kiri) Achmad Wisnu Firmansyah, Nailah Naf’anil Ilmi, dan Rafif Shaquille Mafazy yang tergabung pada tim Oriental Don saat meraih medali perak kategori Kota Cerdas di ajang Gemastik XVI

ITS Campus, ITS News – The proliferation of rogue parking attendants, which has led to discrepancies in Parking Local Revenue (Pendapatan Asli Daerah – PAD), has prompted students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to create a digital parking service application called Parkour.

Rafif Shaquille Mafazy, the leader of the Oriental Don ITS team, revealed that this innovative concept also arose due to the frequent unavailability of cash with drivers and the absence of small denomination currency for parking payment.

“Often people forget to bring cash or don’t have small change, so parking attendants sometimes charge higher fees. From there, we thought about developing a digital parking payment application,” he said.

Together with two of his colleagues, Nailah Naf’anil Ilmi and Achmad Wisnu Firmansyah, Rafif developed the Parkour application with the goal of assisting drivers who often struggle to find parking spaces and make parking payments easily. Before using the application, users are required to enter their identities and vehicle information to make the data distribution process more efficient.

Afterward, users can access one of Parkour’s standout features, POUR-Pay, which allows digital parking payments using QRIS. Rafif emphasized that this feature would expand the range of payment options, including e-wallets, mobile banking, and even POUR-Pay balance that can be conveniently reloaded at minimarkets.

Gambar layanan Parkour, aplikasi layanan parkir digital

Tampilan Parkour, aplikasi layanan parkir digital ciptaan mahasiswa ITS

Moving on to the next feature, Parkour also provides guidance to users in finding ideal parking spaces based on the availability of the nearest parking spaces from their destination. This feature, known as POUR-Find, offers several best choices for users to find parking spaces that suit their needs.

In its application, Parkour can also be used for both indoor and outdoor parking spaces. For indoor parking, drivers can choose between booking or non-booking features by selecting an available parking spot. Then, drivers can access the building’s entry and exit by scanning the payment barcode at the gate.

Similarly, for selecting outdoor parking spaces, users can choose available parking spots. After parking their vehicles, users can pay the parking fees through the digitized application.

“The system will calculate information based on the duration and parking location of the vehicle,” said the student from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (PWK) at ITS.

Gambar tim Oriental Don dengan dosen pembimbing PWK ITS

Tim Oriental Don bersama Dosen Pembimbing Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (PWK) ITS, Putu Gde Ariastita ST MT (kiri)

This innovation doesn’t just focus on the user experience; Rafif also highlights the close collaboration between the Parkour application and various government bodies, such as the Regional Revenue Agency (Badan Pendapatan Daerah – Bapenda) Surabaya, the Department of Transportation (Dinas Perhubungan – Dishub) Surabaya, and the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah – BPKAD) Surabaya. “This collaboration is expected to help monitor and gain access to vehicle parking information,” Rafif explained.

For their outstanding achievement, the team, directly supervised by the ITS PWK lecturer Putu Gde Ariastita ST MT, won a silver medal in the Smart City category at the National Student Technology and Communication Exhibition (Gemastik) XVI in 2023. “In the future, we hope this initiated innovation can continue to develop its features and expand the Parkour area,” Rafif expressed his hope. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Muhammad Aulia Zikra

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