ITS Campus, ITS News — Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) students created the Halal Certification Assistant Information System (SIPHalal) application, to improve the performance of halal facilitators through the implementation of innovative gamification features.
This is because Indonesia is faced with urgent demands to accelerate the transformation of halal product guarantee services. The industry’s rapid growth of 20% every year and Indonesia’s determination to have 10 million halal-labeled products by 2024 are also the main drivers.
The Fafife team, which consists of three ITS students, has developed the SIPHalal software from the SIHalal application which was previously developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion (Kemenag). Then, this development was initiated with a more interactive system with the help of octalysis integration.
ITS Fafife team leader Muhammad Afif Dwi Ardhiansyah explained that this framework was prepared with the aim of motivating certification facilitators to be more active in the mentoring process through fun games. To improve the quality of certification, this step is also targeted to provide positive encouragement for halal actors to carry out their duties with enthusiasm and creativity.
The use of the octalysis framework is expected to influence user behavior when using the application through the elements that have been integrated. Such as pic meaning and calling, development and accomplishment, empowerment of creativity and feedback, ownership and possession, influence and relatedness, and unpredictability and curiosity.
The man who is familiarly called Afif highlighted the importance of the elements of unpredictability and curiosity in the alms certification application feature which allows facilitators to choose fellow facilitators to help with the halal certification process for business actors. Apart from that, SIPHalal also stores the history of halal certification requests on the dashboard to make it easier for facilitators to track the status of requests submitted by business actors.
Turning to the development and accomplishment elements of the octalysis framework, SIPHalal implements several interesting features that involve users with a system of points, experience points (XP), and ornaments given as rewards for the activities they carry out in the SIPHalal application. “This aims to increase the enthusiasm of facilitators in completing certification applications,” added Afif.
Not only does it contain halal acceleration games, but this application also has a culinary paradise feature that allows users to play games so that the experience of using the application is not monotonous. “Ornaments in the game can be purchased with coins obtained from prizes to fulfill the ownership and possession work element,” emphasized Afif.
The application status feature displays details of the application status and can be monitored directly by business actors
What’s more interesting, in terms of application architecture, Afif said that SIPHalal uses various technologies, including Next.JS for the frontend, NestJS for the backend, and other technologies that support the creation of the SIPHalal application. Apart from that, this application has also been integrated with the ITS Center for Halal Studies (PKH) database.
Through all the development of this gamification application, gamification innovation in SIPHalal is expected to provide benefits in the form of increasing facilitator motivation, better certification quality, and stimulating user creativity. With the main target, halal product guarantee services in Indonesia are also aligned with improving the quality of halal products.
This application, which was developed together with two friends, Mohammad Fadhil Rasyidin Parinduri, and Kurnia Cahya Febryanto, won 2nd place at the XVI National Student Performance for Information and Communication Technology (Gemastik). Afif and the team are determined to continue developing further gamification in the form of a tycoon. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Thariq Agfi Hermawan
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