The 2024-2029 ITS Bacarek (in white) with the Chair of the ITS MWA Prof Dr Ir Mohammad Nuh DEA, the Chancellor of ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, and the Chair of the ITS Pilcarek Committee Prof Dr Ir Triyogi Yuwono DEA after taking the serial numbers
ITS Campus, ITS News — The leadership succession of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) for the 2024 – 2029 term of office has begun to roll out through the Chancellor Election (Pilrek) process. After going through the registration period until 19 October, 20 applicants for ITS Prospective Candidates (Bacarek) were officially selected who had taken serial numbers in the drawing process in the Main Meeting Room of the ITS Rectorate Building, Tuesday (24/10).
Chairman of the ITS Board of Trustees (MWA) Prof. Dr. Ir Mohammad Nuh DEA said, previously there were 104 candidates who met the requirements to register. Of the 104 candidates, 20 people successfully completed the registration documents. “Thank God, Bacarek registration continues to increase every period, this is a sign that the leadership regeneration process at ITS is going well,” he said.
The professor who is familiarly called Nuh also said that the ITS Regional Election will take place with a commitment to maintain the integrity and togetherness of ITS. This commitment was also stated in the Peace Declaration which was jointly pledged by 20 ITS Bacarek. “We are conducting this rector election with a sense of kinship, not competition,” he stressed.
The following registered mayors have fulfilled various required requirements, including physical and mental health checks, State Administrator’s Asset Report (LHKPN) documents, and others. At number 1, Prof Subchan SSi MSc PhD from the Department of Mathematics is listed. Furthermore, Agus Muhamad Hatta ST MSi PhD from the Department of Engineering Physics took 2nd place.
In the 3rd serial number, Prof Dr Tri Arief Sardjono ST MT from the Biomedical Engineering Department, the 4th serial number is occupied by Prof Dr Ir Sri Gunani Partiwi MT from the Systems and Industrial Engineering Department, and Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc from the Informatics Engineering Department with serial number 5, and Prof Dr Ketut Buda Artana ST MSc from the Department of Shipping Systems Engineering with serial number 6.
Next, the 7th serial number is Juwari ST MEng PhD from the Department of Chemical Engineering, the 8th serial number is occupied by Prof Dr Sungging Pintowantoro ST MT from the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, the 9th serial number is occupied by Prof Hamzah Fansuri SSi MSi PhD from Department of Chemistry, and serial number 10 is occupied by Prof. Suntoyo ST MEng PhD from the Department of Marine Engineering.
Not to be left behind, Dr Machsus ST MT from the Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department also registered with serial number 11. Followed by serial number 12 by Prof Lalu Muhamad Jaelani ST MSc PhD from the Department of Geomatics Engineering, and serial number 13 Prof DrEng Siti Machmudah ST MEng from the Department of Chemical Engineering.
Occupying serial number 14, also present was Prof. MScEng PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, as well as serial number 17 Imam Baihaqi ST MSc PhD from the Department of Business Management.
The 18th serial number is occupied by Prof. Dr. Agung Purniawan ST MEng from the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, the 19th serial number is held by Prof. Dr. Harus Laksana Guntur ST MEng from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and finally the 20th serial number is occupied by Dr. Surya Sumpeno ST MSc from the Department of Computer Engineering.
Furthermore, according to the Chair of the ITS Chancellor Candidate Selection Committee, Prof. Dr. Ir Triyogi Yuwono DEA IPU AEng, these twenty bacarek will proceed to the next stage, namely the presentation of the strategic plan for the next five years which will take place on November 13 – 14. “In the momentum of this presentation, the entire ITS academic community can ask questions openly to the academics,” said the former ITS Chancellor for the 2011 – 2015 period.
On the same occasion, ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng also expressed his support for the Bacarek for the upcoming 2024 – 2029 period as a regeneration of their leadership. Chancellor candidates who are allowed to register this time will be a maximum of 60 years old at the time of the change of chancellor’s term of office in April 2024.
He hopes that the chancellor who will replace him will be able to maximize the strategy to realize the ITS Development Master Plan (Renip) which has been prepared until 2045. “Through this regeneration, it is hoped that the next chancellor will be more agile and dynamic in realizing ITS’s ideals,” concluded Ashari optimistically. (ITS PUBLIC RELATION)
Reporter: Fathia Rahmanisa Dzakiyyarani
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