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November 02, 2023 17:11

Towards the Research and Innovation Campus, ITS Inaugurates 27 New Professors at Once

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Para profesor baru ITS bersama jajaran Dewan Profesor dan pimpinan tinggi ITS usai acara pengukuhan profesor ITS

The new ITS professors together with the Board of Professors and ITS high leaders after the ITS professor inauguration ceremony

ITS Campus, ITS News – To move towards a research and innovation campus, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again held an Open Professor Council Session to inaugurate 27 new professors at once or the most in ITS history, Thursday (2/11). This shows ITS’ commitment to improving the quality of its human resources (HR) through the development of innovation, research, and publications.

In the inauguration procession which took place at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS, ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng expressed his pride in the professors who had been inaugurated. This spectacular increase in the number of professors has greatly influenced the overall quality of ITS. “With the current numbers, ITS’s ranking has risen significantly from the previous year through various innovations,” said Ashari proudly.

Ashari said that currently, ITS has 167 professors who are still active in various fields of knowledge. This number is relatively small compared to other large state universities (PTN), but ITS has succeeded in taking a role with 15 thousands of reputable international publications. “This means that ITS can still compete and be in the 4th position with the most publications in Indonesia,” he said optimistically.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng menyampaikan ucapan selamat kepada 27 profesor yang dilantik dalam acara Pengukuhan Profesor ITS di Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng congratulated the 27 professors who were inaugurated at the ITS Professor Inauguration event at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS

At this inauguration, there were 11 female professors or around 40 percent of the total 27 professors inaugurated. This proves that gender equality occurs at ITS so that everyone can take a role in developing research and innovation. Through this process, ITS succeeded in obtaining 195 professors from the total professors it has.

Before being inaugurated, the new professors each delivered a scientific oration which was then followed by their official inauguration as professors. The inauguration procession began with the 169th professor, Prof Dr Sungging Pintowantoro ST MT from the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering. Followed by Prof Dr Ir Agoes Santoso MSc from the Department of Shipping Systems Engineering as the 170th professor, Prof Dr Lailatul Qadariyah ST MT from the Department of Chemical Engineering as the 171st professor.

Profesor baru ITS yang dikukuhkan sebagai profesor ke-169 sampai 177

A new ITS professor who was confirmed as the 169th to 177th professor

Next, Prof Dr. Ir Sardono Sarwito MSc from the Department of Shipping Systems Engineering became the 172nd professor, Prof Lalu Muhamad Jaelani ST MSc PhD from the Department of Geomatics Engineering as the 173rd professor, and Prof Suwarno ST MSc PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering as the 174th professor.

Then Prof Arseto Yekti Bagastyo ST MT MPhil Ph.D. from the Department of Environmental Engineering as the 175th professor, Prof Dr. Ing Ir Bambang Soemardiono from the Department of Architecture became the 176th professor, Prof Endarko SSi MSi PhD from the Department of Physics was confirmed as the 17th professor, and Prof Dr Eng Siti Machmudah ST MEng from the Department of Chemical Engineering as the 178th professor.

Sejumlah profesor baru ITS yang dikukuhkan sebagai profesor ke-178 sampai 186

Several new ITS professors were confirmed as the 178th to 186th professors

The next inaugurations were Prof Dr. Vita Ratnasari SSi MSi from the Department of Statistics as the 179th professor, Prof Dr. Wiwiek Hendrowati ST MT from the Department of Mechanical Engineering as the 180th professor, and Prof Dr Ir Sri Gunani Partiwi MT from the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering as professor 181st for ITS.

Followed by Prof Heri Suryoatmojo ST PhD from the Department of Electrical Engineering as the 182nd professor, Prof Mokhamad Nur Cahyadi ST MSc PhD from the Department of Geomatics Engineering as the 183rd professor, and the 184th professor Prof Dr Agung Purniawan ST MEng from the Department of Metallurgical Materials Engineering. Followed by Prof Dr. Ir Titiek Suryani MT from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Dr Ir Mokh Suef MSc from the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering as the 185th and 186th professors.

Profesor baru ITS yang dikukuhkan sebagai profesor ke-187 sampai 195

A new ITS professor who was confirmed as the 187th to 195th professor

It didn’t stop there, next was Prof Nur Aini Rakhmawati SKom MSc Eng Ph.D. from the Department of Information Systems, Prof Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama ST MT from the Department of Computer Engineering, and Prof Adjie Pamungkas ST MDev Plg PhD from the Department of Regional and City Planning as the 1st professor. 187, 188 and 189. Next, Prof Dr. Diana Purwitasari SKom MSc from the Department of Informatics Engineering and Prof Dr. Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayati SSi MSi from the Department of Biology as the 190th and 191st professors.

The 192nd professor inaugurated is Prof. Dr. Ir Bambang Iskandriawan MEng from the Department of Industrial Product Design, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudarmanta ST MT from the Department of Mechanical Engineering as the 193rd professor, and Prof. Dr. Dra Yulfi Zetra MSc from the Department of Chemistry as the 193rd professor. 194. Completing the addition of 71 new ITS professors since 2019, Prof. Bieby Voijant Tangahu ST MT PhD from the Department of Environmental Engineering was confirmed as the 195th professor.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kiri) saat menyerahkan Surat Keputusan Mendikbudristek RI kepada Ketua Senat Akademik ITS Prof Dr Syafsir Akhlus MSc

ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (left) when handing over the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to the Chair of the ITS Academic Senate Prof Dr. Syafsir Akhlus MSc

Closing the series of processions, the Chair of the ITS Professorial Council, Prof. Dr. Ir Imam Robandi MT, said that this inauguration was a new history for ITS. The reason is, that the number of professors confirmed is the largest in the history of the inauguration of professors at ITS. “With this increase in number, it is hoped that these professors can spread their wings even further and bring ITS’s name even higher,” concluded Imam. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Lathifah Sahda

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