ITS Campus, ITS News – Still in the hectic atmosphere of the Rector Election (Pilrek) stages for the 2024-2029 period, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held an Exposure and Debate event for Prospective Rector Candidates (Bacarek) for two days, starting Tuesday (14/11 ). The event at ITS Graha Sepuluh Nopember was part of the democratization process in determining the best choice of who will lead ITS for the next five years.
In this event, which was quite exciting, Chairman of the Majelis Wali Amanat (MWA) ITS Prof. Dr. Ir Mohammad Nuh DEA revealed that later, ITS would cut the 20 Bacarek to only five selected candidates. This is intended to continue to support ITS unity and togetherness. “During this presentation process, the MWA carried out the principle of meritocracy to determine the care of the best ITS sons and daughters,” added the former Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia from 2009 to 2014.
Guided by Arif Pribadi from RRI Surabaya, the presentation was carried out by 20 Bacarek and divided into two days, with 10 Bacarek presenting each. This presentation was split into three main sessions: a video screening and an oral presentation by Bacarek, who briefly explained each flagship program for six minutes. Next, the bacarek will answer questions from the lottery questions that have been prepared. Lastly, ITS community members can ask questions openly, which will be answered directly by the bacarek.
Opening the first day, the presentation was started by Bacarek number 1, Prof. Subchan SSi MSc PhD, who focused on ITS development in superior innovation. One of them is restoring maritime glory at ITS. Continuing the presentation, Bacarek number 2, Agus Muhamad Hatta ST MSi PhD, aimed at strengthening ITS’s position as a research and innovation campus with 10 initiative programs, including helping Indonesia become the largest halal industry in the world.
Advancing as Bacarek number 3, Prof Dr Tri Arief Sardjono ST MT focuses on efforts to accelerate ITS to become an entrepreneurial university by uniting ITS members. Followed by Bacarek number 4, Prof Dr Ir Sri Gunani Partiwi MT, who shared her steps in making ITS a nurturing and harmonious home for its community.
As for Bacarek number 5, Dr Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc believes in developing an smart digital environment and making ITS a world-class research and innovative university. Through her motherly nature, the lecturer, usually called Yuhana, is confident that she can unite all the potential of ITS residents.
Meanwhile, Bacarek number 6, Prof Dr Ketut Buda Artana ST MSc, explained six programs through togetherness to develop innovation, governance, and academics. On the other hand, Bacarek number 7, Juwari ST MEng PhD, is targeting ITS to be First Place by depicting the management system of a solid and sheltered house. Not to be left behind, Bacarek number 8, Prof Dr Sungging Pintowantoro ST MT, delivered his programs, which relied on educational principles taught by national figure Ki Hajar Dewantara.
Following Bacarek number 9, Prof. Hamzah Fansuri SSi MSi PhD targets accelerated infrastructure development and acceleration in preparing the younger generation of ITS lecturers and educational staff (tendik) with his SIIAP program. Closing the presentation session, Bacarek number 10, Prof Suntoyo ST MEng PhD, will strengthen the ITS program by collaborating with eight campuses in eastern Indonesia.
It didn’t stop there; the quality of the rectors was tested again through questions about case studies on becoming rectors, which were required to be answered directly. It becomes even more interesting because the answers from each Bacarek will be refuted by other Bacarek. Apart from that, open questions from the ITS community members who were present also filled the excitement of Bacarek’s presentation on the first day.
Taking place with great enthusiasm from the supporters of each bacarek, the Chair of the ITS Rector Candidate Selection Committee, Prof Dr Ir Triyogi Yuwono DEA IPU AEng, expressed his best wishes to the candidates who had submitted their strategic plan. Triyogi also reminded that ITS e-aspiration for the selection process has entered a trial period, which can be accessed via the MyITS account. “Through this activity, it is hoped that the ITS academic community will be able to get to know the academic institutions that will be selected later,” said the former ITS Rector for the 2011-2015 period. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Lathifah Sahda
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