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November 24, 2023 09:11

Advancing Indonesian Maritime Affairs, ITS Initiates Launching of PIANC Through Senta 2023

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online

1st PIANC Indonesia Delegate Dr Ir Rahman Hidayat MEng IPU when explaining about the PIANC organization at the inauguration of the PIANC Indonesia section 2023

ITS Campus, ITS News – Being a center of excellence in the field of maritime affairs, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is determined to contribute to meeting Indonesia’s needs in the maritime world. In fulfilling this desire, ITS initiated the inauguration of the first Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (PIANC) Indonesia section through the 8th International Conference on Marine Technology (SENTA) 2023 ITS, Thursday (23/11).

One of the ITS representatives for the PIANC Indonesia section, Raja Oloan Saut Gurning ST MSc PhD, said that ITS not only initiated the launch of the PIANC Indonesia section but also became an active collaborator in this global organization. PIANC is known as an institution that guides sustainable water transportation infrastructure in the maritime sector. “Finally, this organization can be presented in Indonesia,” said the lecturer who is usually called Saut.

Furthermore, the lecturer at the ITS Department of Shipping Systems Engineering also explained that this forum, which was founded in 1885, brings together various professionals from all over the world to provide advice and share knowledge related to maritime infrastructure. Starting from ports, shipyards, and shipping lanes, to equipment related to maritime activities. “This organization also continues to be a partner for the government and the private sector,” he added.

Salah satu hasil riset dan inovasi ITS yang dipamerkan dalam SENTA 2023 sebagai bentuk pengembangan solusi yang relevan dengan kebutuhan spesifik Indonesia di dunia maritim

One of the results of ITS research and innovation exhibited at SENTA 2023 as a form of developing solutions that are relevant to Indonesia’s specific needs in the maritime world

In its collaboration, ITS itself makes significant contributions in the field of research and innovation which has a positive impact on maritime progress. Not only at the international level but also for Indonesian domestic maritime affairs. Through this innovative research activity, ITS focuses on developing solutions that are relevant to Indonesia’s specific needs in the maritime world.

Responding to ITS’ participation in the PIANC Indonesia section, Saut hopes that ITS lecturers and students can be involved in contributing. Through this involvement, it is hoped that ITS can follow patterns and cognition regarding world regulations in the maritime sector and improve learning and teaching systems to international standards. Apart from that, ITS can also support maritime development in Indonesia and become a reference for various world maritime programs.

In line with this, the Chief Executive of the 2023 SENTA Conference, Prof. Ir R Sjarief Widjaja PhD FRINA, revealed that the 8th SENTA was the main stage that initiated the presence of various strategic collaborations and important partnerships in maritime affairs. With the theme Autonomous and Smart Innovation in Marine Science and Technology, SENTA provides a solid foundation to bridge innovative thinking with best practices in the maritime industry.

Jajaran pimpinan Fakultas Teknologi Kelautan (FTK) ITS bersama para pembicara dan peserta dari berbagai negara di dunia pada kegiatan SENTA 2023

The leadership of the ITS Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK) together with speakers and participants from various countries in the world at SENTA 2023 activities

Shortly, training activities are planned in the field of port planning strategy management as the first step in ITS collaboration with PIANC. Evaluation and learning from world standards will be the main focus, with the hope that Indonesia can adopt rules that are consistent with global maritime developments. “This is considered a significant first step to encourage maritime progress in the country,” added Sjarief.

Through active involvement in partnerships with international organizations such as PIANC, ITS hopes to change Indonesia’s maritime map and create innovations that support sustainable growth in this sector. “As a knowledge and research center, ITS must take an important role in advancing Indonesian maritime affairs to a higher level. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Lathifah Sahda

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