ITS Campus, ITS News — Closing 2023, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) once again strengthened its achievements by winning awards at the 2023 Diktiristek Anugerah. This time, ITS succeeded in winning five awards at once which were given directly by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek), Wednesday (13/12) evening, at the Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City Hotel.
The awards received by ITS include the National Priority Award in the category of Higher Education with the 3rd Most Innovation, the Gold Winner of the Institutional Award in the category of Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) Subcategory of Higher Education with KNB Scholarship Management 2023, and the Gold Winner of the Institutional Award in the category PTN-BH Higher Education Subcategory with Management of Foreign Student Study Permits 2023.
Not only that, ITS also won the Bronze Winner of the Cooperation Award in the PTN-BH category, Best International Collaboration Subcategory and the Bronze Winner of the Public Relations Award in the PTN-BH Category, Page Subcategory. In the implementation of the 2023 Diktristek Award itself, it is divided into two categories, namely the Diktristek Cooperation Award (AKD) and the Diktristek Public Relations Award (AHD).
The Diktiristek Award itself is an annual form of appreciation from the Directorate General of Diktristek to stakeholders in higher education, research and technology in supporting the transformation of education in Indonesia. “This year we are carrying the theme Transformation of Higher Education IKU/MBKM/Matching Fund Kedaireka in accordance with our focus for the past four years,” said the Acting Director General (Dirjen) of Diktiristek Prof Ir Nizam MSc DIC PhD IPU ASEAN Eng in his speech.
Meanwhile, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng admitted that he was very proud and expressed a lot of gratitude for the award that ITS achieved. According to him, these awards are the result of the hard work of the entire ITS academic community so far. “Alhamdulillah, I would like to thank you for your extraordinary hard work so that we have successively received appreciation from both national and international levels,” he said proudly.
Indeed, in this month, ITS has received various awards from ministries and other parties. One of them is an award from UNESCO as an Intelligent Learning and Smart Campus or as a pioneer in the digitalization of education. From these awards, Ashari revealed that ITS has enormous potential.
Furthermore, the ITS Professor of Electrical Engineering advised all ITS academics to be able to increase existing potential. Ashari said, currently ITS human resources (HR) are in the young age range. “Extraordinary ability and enthusiasm when combined with ITS militancy will be very good leverage for ITS,” he said optimistically. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Mifda Khoirotul Azma
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