MF Kedaireka ITS x Pelindo TPK Team Leader Dr Adithya Sudiarno IDipNEBOSH GradlOSH when explaining the features found in Bandar Safety
ITS Campus, ITS News – To help analyze the risk of work accidents in companies, the Kedaireka Matching Fund (MF) Team from the collaboration of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and Pelindo Terminal Petikemas (TPK) created an innovation called Bandar Safety. This innovation is designed to educate and integrate various tools regarding Occupational Health and Safety (K3).
Team Leader MF Kedaireka ITS x Pelindo TPK Dr Adithya Sudiarno IDipNEBOSH GradIOSH explained that this innovation began with ITS collaboration with Pelindo TPK and the K3 Council of East Java Province. “This collaboration produces a web-based application as a service to improve the safety culture of stakeholders and other industries,” said the ITS Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering (DTSI) lecturer.
Bandar Safety has three main features to control potential dangers in the work environment, one of which is the Safety Model Canvas (SMC). The man known as Adith explained that the safety culture measurement model, which has been developed since 2018, can be used to understand, assess, evaluate, and provide recommendations for improving K3 conditions in a company.
Initial view of the Bandar Safety page, which integrates various features to address K3 risks within the company
In the SMC, there are eight dimensions with five assessment indicators for each dimension to measure the safety level of an organization. After taking measurements, this feature will provide recommendations implementable to increase safety levels. “So, this SMC is an instrument to measure the maturity of K3 culture in a company, which is equipped with a database to make improvements,” he explained.
Not only that, Adith said that there is a feature called ErgoKu as a tool to measure potential ergonomic hazards, which was adapted from the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 9011 of 2021. This feature is divided into two types of surveys, namely Occupational Muscle-Skeletal Disorders (Gotrak). ) and Ergonomic Risk Factor (ERF).
Team Leader MF Kedaireka ITS X Pelindo TPK Dr. Adithya Sudiarno Idipnebosh Gradlosh (use name tags) when explaining the innovation of the Bandar Safety to visitors at Kiide 2023, Taiwan
In the Gotrak survey, assessors focused on potential muscle disorders that could occur in field workers. Meanwhile, the ERF survey focuses more on analyzing ergonomic risks that could occur in the work environment. After discovering a potential hazard, the assessor will assess the severity of the potential hazard to overcome and prevent the potential from occurring.
The last feature of Bandar Safety is the House of Risk for Safety, Health, Environment, etc (HORshe). This feature is an alternative method for organizations to manage K3 risk management. Based on a spreadsheet, HORshe is designed to provide mitigation and minimize risk by applying the hazard control hierarchy and SHELL model.
The MF Kedaireka ITS x Pelindo TPK team shows the awards achieved from the innovation of Bandar Safety
Apart from being digitized, Adith said that using HORshe will make it easier for assessors to identify potential dangers. This ease is because the identification process is carried out based on business processes. “HORshe can also combine or link several solutions into one so that one solution can solve various risks,” he said.
Web Developer from Bandar Safety, Adi Wira Pratama, said that these three features are accessible for free on the site. On the site, there are also tutorials regarding the use of Bandar Safety features and e-learning about K3. “Bandar Safety itself is intended for all organizations or companies that need safety at work,” explained the DTSI ITS class of 2021 students.
The MF Kedaireka ITS x Pelindo TPK team when introducing the Bandar Safety innovation at KIIDE 2023 in Taiwan
Through its collaboration, Bandar Safety has also succeeded in winning various awards from the 2023 Kaohsiung International Invention and Design Expo (KIIDE) in Taiwan, which was held at the end of last November. With the achievements obtained, Adi revealed that this innovation will continue to be developed, both in terms of technical use and the features it contains. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Muhammad Aulia Zikra
Translator: Hanifah Inayah
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