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December 21, 2023 18:12

Partnering with IDSurvey, ITS Establishes Collaboration Space for Maritime Progress

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng saat memberikan sambutan peresmian ruang kolaborasi IDSurvey dan ITS di Gedung NasDEC ITS

ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng when giving a speech at the inauguration of the IDSurvey and ITS collaboration space in the ITS NasDEC Building

ITS Campus, ITS News – In a bid to advance maritime transportation and technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and IDSurvey officially opened a collaboration space during the IDSurvey Goes to Campus event. This celebration marks the second year of collaboration between IDSurvey and ITS, held at the National Ship Design and Engineering Center (NaSDEC) ITS on Thursday (20/12).

In his address, Capt. Heru Susanto MM, Head of the Tanjung Perak Harbor Master and Port Authority Office (KSOP), explained that the collaboration space would serve as a facility for stakeholders in the maritime industry and as a platform for academic development and research in technology and maritime transportation. “This is an example of the implementation of Law No. 17 of 2008 concerning Maritime Affairs,” said Heru.

Further elaborating, Heru stated that the collaboration space aims to create a modern and efficient maritime transportation system to facilitate access to the outermost, remote, and underdeveloped islands (3T). “This collaboration space can reduce our (Indonesian nation’s) dependence on maritime products from abroad,” he explained.

Capt Heru Susanto MM saat memberikan sambutan peresmian ruang kolaborasi IDSurvey dan ITS di Gedung NasDEC ITS

Capt Heru Susanto MM when giving a speech at the inauguration of the IDSurvey and ITS collaboration space at the ITS NasDEC Building

In line with Heru’s remarks, ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari MEng added that the establishment of this collaboration space originated from the challenges faced by students and lecturers in developing innovations and research in the maritime field. Innovations that should have materialized were halted at the publication stage due to the commercialization process, which requires lengthy certification and licensing procedures.

Ashari also mentioned that the collaboration space was built with the aim of being a development hub for students and lecturers in Indonesia to innovate maritime technology and sea transportation. The space covers an area of 15 x 15 meters. Adjacent to this area is the office space of the Indonesian Shipbuilding and Offshore Industries Association (Iperindo), as well as various office spaces from other maritime industries.

Manajer Unit Klaster Inovasi Maritim ITS Ir Tri Achmadi PhD (kanan) menunjukan salah satu prototype kapal karya ITS kepada para pejabat ITS dan undangan lainnya

ITS Maritime Innovation Cluster Unit Manager Ir Tri Achmadi PhD (right) shows one of the ITS ship prototypes to ITS officials and other invited guests.

During the same occasion, ITS and IDSurvey also hosted a talk show discussing the duties and roles of the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI). The talk show highlighted the importance of utilizing Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) services from BKI for stakeholders in the maritime industry in Indonesia. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Khaila Bening Amanda Putri

Translator : Nabila Luthfiani

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