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Thursday, December 26, 2024
February 01, 2024 21:02

Caring for Mental Health, ITS Inaugurates Student Health Care Center

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng memberikan sambutannya dalam acara peresmian Student Health Care Center (SHCC) ITS

ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng gave his speech at the inauguration of the ITS Student Health Care Center (SHCC) 

ITS Campus, ITS News – Currently, maintaining good mental health is a special concern in society, especially among students where cases are increasing. Responding to this phenomenon, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) together with the ITS Student Parents Association (Ikoma) formed the Student Health Care Center (SHCC) which was inaugurated in the ITS Tower 2 Building, Thursday (1/2).

Based on the many aspirations of ITS students, the Chair of Ikoma ITS Dr Ir Wahid Wahyudi MT revealed that in a month there are more than 50 ITS students who are deemed to need mental health consultation. This data was obtained through discussions held together with ITS student representatives. “From these aspirations, Ikoma and ITS collaborated with DearAstrid in launching this SHCC service,” he explained.

SHCC is one way that ITS can handle mental problems that are often experienced by students. Based on the number of students who are considered to be experiencing mental health disorders, ITS sees the urgency of developing this service to prevent these unwanted cases from occurring.

Kepala Ikoma ITS Dr Ir Wahid Wahyudi MT turut memberikan sambutan peresmian Student Health Care Center (SHCC) ITS yang diharapkan mampu mengatasi permasalahan kesehatan mental para mahasiswa ITS

The Head of Ikoma ITS Dr Ir Wahid Wahyudi MT also gave a speech at the inauguration of the ITS Student Health Care Center (SHCC) which is expected to be able to overcome the mental health problems of ITS students.

In line with this data, ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng explained that as many as 70 percent of ITS students are currently estimated to experience stress, both mild and severe. To handle this, SHCC services will function as early treatment so that the root causes of student stress can be found.

Regarding the service operation schedule at SHCC, Ashari said that the consultation service facility will be open starting March 18 2024. This service can be used by booking a schedule in advance with an existing psychologist expert. Apart from students, educational staff (tendik) and lecturers can also utilize these consultation facilities according to the existing schedule.

Astrid Regina Sapiie selaku Founder DearAstrid (kiri) saat menjadi pemateri dalam talkshow di sela acara peresmian Student Health Care Center (SHCC) ITS

Astrid Regina Sapiie as Founder of DearAstrid (left) when she was a speaker in a talk show on the sidelines of the inauguration of the ITS Student Health Care Center (SHCC) 

Following the inauguration of the SHCC, on the same occasion a talk show entitled Working with Gen Z was also held. The event was attended directly by ITS students represented by each departmental student association (HMD) at ITS. “This event aims to provide a detailed overview of the importance of mental health, especially in the world of work,” said the Chancellor who is also a Professor of Electrical Engineering.

In this case, Ashari wants all parties to make good use of this facility. He also hopes that all mental problems experienced by the ITS academic community can be resolved thanks to the presence of SHCC on campus. “We hope that this service can help improve student achievement in the future,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Khaila Bening Amanda Putri

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