ITS News

Thursday, December 26, 2024
February 03, 2024 15:02

Four New ITS Study Programs Ready to Be Competed at SNBP and SNBT 2024

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Direktur Pendidikan ITS Prof Dr Eng Siti Machmudah ST MEng saat menyosialisasikan aturan penerimaan mahasiswa baru ITS 2024

ITS Education Director, Prof Dr Eng Siti Machmudah ST MEng, when socializing the regulations for the admission of new ITS 2024 students

ITS Campus, ITS News – To prepare for the regeneration of the nation’s best sons and daughters, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) once again held an online socialization of new student admissions in 2024 on Saturday (3/2). Through this socialization, ITS conveyed that there are four new study programs available for selection in both the Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP) and Test-Based National Selection (SNBT) 2024.

ITS Education Director, Prof Dr Eng Siti Machmudah ST MEng, revealed that these study programs consist of the Data Science Study Program from the Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD), the Software Engineering Study Program (RPL), and the Artificial Intelligence Engineering Study Program (RKA) from the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (FTEIC), as well as the Medical Study Program from the Faculty of Medicine and Health (FKK). “Previously, in 2023, these four study programs were only available through Independent Selection, but now they can be chosen in SNBP and SNBT,” the woman, who is often called Machmudah, explained.

With the addition of these four new study programs, Machmudah said that ITS currently has 44 undergraduate (S1) study programs and eight applied undergraduate (D4) study programs that can be selected. Adding further explanation, according to Machmudah, there is another new study program that is still awaiting accreditation approval to participate in SNBP and SNBT. This is the Digital Innovation Study Program under the Information Systems Department from FTEIC.

Machmudah also conveyed that the scheme of ITS Independent Selection Based on Achievements has now changed its name to Independent Selection with Scholarships. In this selection, Machmudah said that ITS will provide scholarships for applicants with outstanding achievements. The scholarship is in the form of freedom from the obligation to pay Institute Development Dues (IPI), or what was previously known as Institutional Development Contributions (SPI). “So they only need to pay a Single Tuition Fee (UKT),” she affirmed.

Meanwhile, regarding the selection for the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) at ITS, Machmudah also provided information that if participants accepted into the IUP program later qualify for the SNBP, their acceptance in the IUP will be annulled in accordance with regulations from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

This is different from applicants accepted into the IUP who also qualify through the SNBT. If applicants do not carry out the SNBT re-registration process, they will still be accepted at the IUP.

Koordinator Humas dan Promosi SNPMB Dr Dra Ismaini Zain MSi (kanan) saat memaparkan terkait skema seleksi dan tata aturan pada SNPMB 2024 didampingi Kepala Subdirektorat Admisi ITS DrEng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc selaku moderator

SNPMB Public Relations and Promotion Coordinator, Dr Dra Ismaini Zain MSi (right), when explaining the selection scheme and regulations for SNPMB 2024, accompanied by the Head of ITS Admissions Sub-directorate, DrEng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc, as moderator

Furthermore, the professor from the Chemical Engineering Department detailed that for this year’s new student admissions, ITS provided a quota of 1,564 seats, or 23.81%, for SNBP, 2,189 seats, or 33.32%, for SNBT, and 2,817 seats, or 42.88% of the total quota, for Independent Selection. Regarding all available information, Machmudah reminded prospective applicants that they can access more complete information via the page

In this socialization event, the Coordinator of Public Relations and Promotion for the National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB), Dr Dra Ismaini Zain MSi, was also present to explain the selection system proposed by SNPMB in 2024. According to Ismaini, not many changes occurred in this year’s selection. However, there are some updates aimed at improving equality and the chances of qualifying for applicants.

In her presentation, Ismaini explained that one of the new policies implemented at SNPMB 2024 was the blockade rule for applicants who had passed one of the selection schemes. Ismaini explained that, succinctly, this system regulates that applicants who have passed SNBP automatically cannot participate in SNBT or Independent Selection at any Public University (PTN). Likewise, applicants who have passed SNBT cannot register for Independent Selection.

Besides that, Ismaini revealed that in the SNBT scheme, applicants now have the option to register for a maximum of four study programs. With the provisions, applicants must choose two academic programs (undergraduate) and two vocational programs (D3 and D4, or applied undergraduate).

Meanwhile, if they choose three study programs, they are required to choose two academic programs and one vocational program, or vice versa, two vocational programs and one academic program. “In essence, all programs are equal, so we apply this rule to ensure fair distribution,” she affirmed.

Rincian kuota penerimaan mahasiswa baru ITS tahun 2024 dari tiga skema seleksi yang diadakan

Details of the quota for ITS new student admissions in 2024 from the three selection schemes conducted

Furthermore, Ismaini conveyed that the subtests tested on SNBT had not changed much from the previous year. This year, the tested subtests still include the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), Indonesian and English Literacy, and Mathematical Reasoning. “The only addition is that there will be a short-answer section in Mathematics,” she said.

Finally, Ismaini, who is also a lecturer at the ITS Statistics Department, reminded that all stages have been distributed from the beginning to prevent negligence and delays. Therefore, she hopes that both schools and prospective students can synergize to achieve the best results. “Hopefully, whatever the outcome, we will all remain happy and capable of becoming useful people,” she concluded with hope. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhani

Translator: Alya Farah Nabila

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