ITS Project Manager Nabu Angela Oryza Prabowo while guiding a training session in the Women in Cyber Security training activity at the ITS Informatics Department
ITS Campus, ITS News — As cyber security threats increase in the digital era, women’s involvement in dealing with these challenges is also becoming increasingly important. Understanding this urgency, several Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) students collaborated to form ITS Nabu, a platform that focuses on cyber security projects.
As the first initiative to initiate change in cyber security, ITS Nabu held a Women in Cyber Security training: Cyber Security Training Session at the ITS Informatics Department on Friday (22/3). As the first activity, this technology-based training is designed as a first step to encourage more female participation in cyber security and expand opportunities for women to develop in this technological field.
ITS Nabu Project Manager Angela Oryza Prabowo emphasized her team’s belief in the vital role of women in all aspects. Even so, statistics show that women only contribute around 10-20 percent of the total workforce in Indonesia’s Information Technology (IT) industry.
Dyah Putri Nareswari (wearing glasses) from Cybersecurity and Privacy Associate PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) during a question and answer session with Women in Cyber Security training participants
Committed to changing this paradigm, this training was held in collaboration between the Networking Technologies and Intelligent Cyber Security (Netics) Laboratory and Net-Centric Computing (NCC). “This training is also directed at opening greater opportunities for women to contribute significantly to the digital world, especially in Indonesia,” said the woman, often called Ryza.
This training presents Dyah Putri Nareswari as the opening of the training, which targets women as its audience segment. The Cybersecurity and Privacy Associate employee at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) said that although the number of women in the cyber field is still low, the opportunity to be involved in cyber security is very large and influential in IT.
Dyah Putri Nareswari from Cybersecurity and Privacy Associate PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) during a question and answer session with participants
Women’s involvement in cyber security is not only focused on programming or network analysis but also includes broader aspects of the industry. Dyah recommends initial steps such as attending a boot camp or short training related to a topic of interest as a stepping stone to becoming an expert. “So we need to prepare the role of women in the cyber field carefully,” added the ITS Informatics alumnus.
Another resource person presented, Elshe Ervianna Angely from the Netics Laboratory, who also provided insight into Cloud Technology as an exciting IT option. This field, combining computer technology and internet-based development, also needs more women’s participation. “So strong understanding and motivation are needed to equip women to get involved,” she added.
The ITS Nabu team accompanied participants in completing the challenges given in the Women in Cyber Security training
Furthermore, to better understand, participants are given game tasks and challenges to complete independently through training sessions. After completing the challenges presented, a discussion is held, which not only presents the material but also provides direct guidance for participants who experience difficulties.
In this series of activities, Angela and the team hope to contribute positively to overcoming the gender gap in the field of cyber security. She will also continue to strive to empower more women to reach their full potential in the information technology industry. “In essence, women are not inferior in their technological abilities; they just need to be given opportunities for deeper development,” concluded Angela. (ITS Public Relations)
Training participants trying out game challenges in the Women in Cyber Security training session at the ITS Informatics Department
Reporter: Lathifah Sahda
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