ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues its commitment to meeting the needs of engineers in Indonesia. ITS inaugurated 163 new engineers from the Professional Engineer Study Program (PSPPI) at the Swiss-Belhotel Surabaya Hotel on Saturday (27/4) morning.
ITS Rector, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, said engineers play an essential role in developing the country. The reason is that they are figures responsible for infrastructure development, product-producing industries, and even creating means of transportation.
The man familiarly called Ashari said that the number of engineers in Indonesia is only around 2,670 people per one million. This figure is low compared to neighbouring countries such as Vietnam, which has 9,000 engineers per one million people. “South Korea has 25,000 engineers per one million population,” he said.
In line with Ashari, the Chair of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) for the East Java region, represented by Ir R Pius, “One of the important roles in universities,” reminded Pius.
Furthermore, Pius appreciated ITS’s profound contribution to producing new engineers in Indonesia. To date, ITS has succeeded in producing 1,107 engineers and has become the university with the most engineers in East Java. “This contribution is important considering the large need for domestic engineers,” he said.
Meanwhile, in national scope, Pius added that ITS is among the top four universities producing the most engineers. It is hoped that ITS’s visionary steps can be followed by other universities. “We hope to establish PSPPI at other universities to meet the needs of engineers in Indonesia,” he hoped.
Apart from inducting engineers from the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program, ITS also succeeded in inducting the first batch of regular programs this time. ITS also appointed engineers who were practitioners from PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional and PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Mohammad Febryan Khamim
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