ITS Campus, ITS News — Starting its implementation, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) as one of the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) centers for the 2024 National Selection Based Test (SNBT) facilitated 9,936 UTBK participants. Ensuring its smooth implementation, ITS Chancellor Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD inspected the location in several rooms where UTBK took place on the ITS campus on the first day, Thursday (2/5).
Bambang explained that in fulfilling the implementation of UTBK this year, ITS focused on the exam in the first wave only. This is due to the number of rooms sufficient to fulfill the quota of participants in the first wave without the need for a second wave. “The first wave of UTBK at ITS starts from May 2 to 7,” said the chancellor, who was just inaugurated on April 30.
Regarding the location of UTBK, Bambang said 46 computer rooms had been provided and spread across 18 points of the main ITS campus. 9,936 UTBK-SNBT participants have chosen the testing location at ITS. “Of this amount, two work sessions are carried out each day with a total of 980 participants in each session,” explained the lecturer at the ITS Department of Mechanical Engineering.
According to Bambang, all preparations went well, and no significant obstacles were encountered. Although some participants experienced technical problems with the PC, the exam supervisors who were on duty in each class handled it quickly. “All participants arrived on time, and there was no confusion regarding the exam location,” he added.
Accompanying the inspection process, ITS Vice Chancellor I for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT, ensured that all aspects, from infrastructure to logistics, had been carefully prepared. Various preparations had previously been made, including coordination with the UTBK Center in Jakarta and ITS internal preparations. “In this morning’s exam session, some were not present without any information, but it did not disrupt the entire exam,” he explained.
Besides infrastructure preparation, ITS has taken anticipatory steps to prevent cheating during UTBK implementation. This highlights ITS’s commitment to integrity and honesty in the selection process. Thus, UTBK at ITS can run smoothly and fairly for all participants.
Later, apart from the UTBK method, ITS also provides opportunities for prospective students through self-selection with tests, one of which is the scholarship self-selection. This program allows outstanding students to compete through a selection conducted independently by ITS, emphasizing report cards and academic and non-academic achievements.
In facing future challenges and opportunities, Bambang reaffirmed that ITS is committed to improving the quality of education and services to the community through various scholarship programs. In its implementation, ITS has exceeded the target requested by the government by providing scholarships as much as 26 percent of the 20 percent obligation to provide scholarships to students.
Finally, Bambang hopes all participants can use this UTBK selection opportunity to show their potential. The reason is that this year, ITS provides a total of 2,189 seats through the SNBT selection. ITS hopes to receive qualified prospective students committed to contributing to the academic and professional world. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Lathifah Sahda
Translator: Lael Soebakir
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