Aerial view of the largest living laboratory project area in Indonesia Renewable Energy Integration Demonstrator of Indonesia (REIDI) in the ITS campus area
ITS Campus, ITS News – Following up on the continuation of the INSPIRASI (Indonesia – Nanyang Technological University Singapore Institute of Research for Sustainability and Innovation) program, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) began construction of the Renewable Energy Integration Demonstrator of Indonesia (REIDI) project. The construction of the project in the ITS campus area has also been reviewed directly by a delegation from NTU, some time ago.
The REIDI project itself is part of a major INSPIRATION programme, a collaboration between ITS with Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore and several other universities in Indonesia in the construction of the first living renewable energy laboratory or demonstration laboratory in Indonesia. The development of REIDI itself has been officially under way since the end of December 2023.
In this regard, REIDI Project Development Coordinator Ary Bachtiar KP ST MT PhD revealed that ITS has been appointed as responsible for the development of this project. The failure of the appointment is due to the existence of an agreement from the central party regarding the use of the land of ITS as the site of the construction of the largest living laboratory in Indonesia. “Alhamdulillah, ITS is trusted to provide the land and manage this project forward,” he said.
Design living area of the Agrivoltaic laboratory on the REIDI project area on the ITS campus
Ary explained that the construction of this 1.5-hectare project will be divided into three stages until 2027. In the first phase, the construction of renewable energy generation areas sourced from photovoltaic (PV), agrovoltaic, and biomass is planned to be completed by the end of 2024. Then, in the next phase, the design review, construction, and application and use of each component will begin.
Not only that, Ary added, entering the third phase of REIDI’s development progress will focus on the construction of a Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT) plant and a Grid Management Solution system. At the end of this stage, a site acceptance test and overall functionalization of REIDI will also be carried out. “Hopefully, the construction of each phase can be completed soon so that it can be used as soon as possible,” he said.
The design of a 10kv hydrogen fuel cell renewable power plant building at REIDI is being prepared in the ITS campus area.
Not only that, the ITS Mechanical Engineering Department lecturer said that in the future REIDI is also expected to provide intra-campus electricity operations and as a facility for experiments, testing to become a training reference for companies engaged in renewable energy. “The target is to enter the industrial realm and have an impact on society,” he said optimistically.
Furthermore, Ary said that the management of the Rp 72.7 billion project will also collaborate with PT Pembangkit Listrik Negara (PLN). The collaboration is intended to help the downstream process of REIDI products which are expected to be able to supply part or all of the electricity source for ITS.
Review of the REIDI project construction area on the ITS campus by delegates from NTU, PT PLN, and representatives from ITS.
Talking about the expectations from the construction process of the project, which also received funding from the Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, Ary revealed that he wanted the project to be completed on time. “Furthermore, I hope that this living laboratory can be utilized continuously in the future,” he said. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Mifda Khoirotul Azma
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