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Wednesday, February 19, 2025
June 30, 2024 13:06

ITS Launches First Process Security Engineering Study Program in Indonesia

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Dr Ir Atok Setiawan MEngSc ketika menjelaskan mengenai Program Studi Rekayasa Keselamatan Proses dalam kegiatan Sosialisasi Jalur Seleksi Mandiri ITS 2024

Dr. Ir Atok Secretary of MEngSc when explaining about the Program of Study of Process Safety Engineering in the Socialization of the Self Selection Path ITS 2024

ITS Campus, ITS News – Supporting safety in the industrial world in Indonesia, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) opened an S1 Study Program Process Safety Engineering. Through the socialization of the Independent selection path at ITS, Wednesday (29/5), it was confirmed that RKP could be selected in the General and Partnership Independent selection from May 28 to June 16.

The industrialization of Indonesia is the right step of the government to support the country’s economic independence. However, in its implementation, technical safety and employee safety are still underestimated, which is not exempt from the lack of professionals in the field of security engineering.

Being aware of this, ITS opened up Prodi RKP as a form of support for industrial development in Indonesia without diminishing awareness of the urgency of its security. As a pioneer, the graduates of this prodi have often had a high level of awareness of the safety of both manufacturing and workers.

Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering ITS Dr Ir Atok Secretary MEngSc revealed that the RKP is still under the umbrella of the department of mechanical engineering, the Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (FTIRS). “In addition to studying courses from various departments at FTIRS, the students will also be taught managerial skills,” he added.

In technical terms, Atok is clear, students will be equipped with the ability to operate software to design, operate, modify, and perform security-focused maintenance. On the non-technical side, students acquire managerial skills such as security management systems that study national and international security regulations.

Kepala Departemen Teknik Mesin ITS Dr Ir Atok Setiawan MEngSc (kanan) bersama Kepala Subdirektorat Admisi ITS Dr Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc dalam kegiatan sosialisasi jalur Seleksi Mandiri ITS 2024

Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering ITS Dr Ir Atok Secretary MEngSc (right) along with Head of Subdirectorate of Admission ITS dr Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSC in the socialization activities of the Self Selection Path ITS 2024

Not only does it provide knowledge, it also provides adequate practical facilities. For example, a mechanical and fluid engineering laboratory and a risk and safety reliability measurement laboratory will be provided to support learning. “We also provide a simulator laboratory so that students can simulate directly the operation of the power plant,” said the man who graduated ITS Mechanical Engineering in 1988.

Atok also explained the difference between the RKP and the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) that exists in other universities. The K3 focuses on the health of workers, while the RKP aims to produce graduates who are able to review and investigate safety processes from a technical point of view. “In particular, if an explosion occurs in an industry, RKP graduates are able to analyze the factors that caused the explosion,” Atok said.

Furthermore, according to Atok, RKP graduates have great opportunities for a career in industry, mainly in mining and petrochemistry. Besides, opportunities to work in government agencies are also wide open. “RKP Graduates have wide opportunities for employment because they are very needed in various fields of industry,” said the Head of the Laboratory of Fire and Energy Systems of ITS.

As a conclusion, Atok assured that the opening of this RKP prodi has gone through a mature process of consideration so that the quality of teaching should not be doubted. “We have prepared instructors who are expert in the field of safety engineering to create the finest and safe graduates, safety is priceless,” he concluded. (ITS PR)


Reporter: Andra Eka Wijayanti


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