ITS News

Tuesday, January 07, 2025
July 05, 2024 17:07

ITS Alumni and HIPMI Commit to Nurturing Future Leaders

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Wali Kota Surabaya dan Ketua IKA ITS PW Jatim Eri Cahyadi ST MT saat memberikan materi terkait kepemimpinan di The Grand Leader Summit yang diselenggarakan oleh HIPMI ITS dan IKA ITS PW Jawa Timur

Mayor of Surabaya and Chairman of IKA ITS PW East Java Eri Cahyadi ST MT while providing material related to leadership at The Grand Leader Summit organized by HIPMI ITS and IKA ITS PW East Java

ITS Campus, ITS News — The East Java Regional Management of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Alumni Association (also known as IKA ITS) and the ITS branch of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (also known as HIPMI) are dedicated to fostering student leadership and technical knowledge. This commitment was showcased during The Grand Leader Summit held at the ITS Research Center on Friday, July 5th.

Eri Cahyadi, Chairman of IKA ITS East Java and Mayor of Surabaya, emphasized that the youth hold the highest potential for national development. He stressed that preparing young people for leadership roles should be a priority for all, including educational institutions. “ITS plays a crucial role in accelerating the emergence of top young leaders,” he stated.

Eri highlighted the need for collaboration between ITS as an educational institution and both the government and industry to achieve this goal. He believes that building human resources through research collaboration and technological integration will enhance students’ problem-solving and leadership skills. “This underscores the importance of the campus’s role,” he added.

Wakil Rektor IV Bidang Riset, Inovasi, Kerjasama, dan Kealumnian ITS Agus Muhamad Hatta ST MSi PhD saat memberikan sambutan di The Grand Leader Summit

Vice Rector IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni ITS Agus Muhamad Hatta ST MSi PhD giving a speech at The Grand Leader Summit

Looking ahead, Eri hopes that future leaders from the ITS academic community will possess integrity and prioritize humanity, balancing these aspects to contribute effectively to the nation’s progress. He also reminded aspiring leaders to continually study the achievements of past leaders to ensure sustainable success.

Direktur Utama PT SIER Didik Prasetiyono menjadi salah satu pembicara dalam acara The Grand Leader Summit yang digelar di Gedung Research Center ITS

President Director of PT SIER Didik Prasetiyono was one of the speakers at the Grand Leader Summit event held at the ITS Research Center Building.

Agus Muhamad Hatta, ITS Vice Rector IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni Affairs, noted the importance of fostering an entrepreneurial spirit alongside leadership development to ensure broader prosperity. Hatta, a lecturer in the Department of Physics Engineering, mentioned that a competitive entrepreneurial mindset encourages leaders to innovate for the welfare of the people. He revealed that ITS aims to transform into an Entrepreneur University, reflecting its vision to produce young entrepreneurs.

Hatta cited a survey showing an increase in the number of ITS graduates pursuing entrepreneurial careers, reaching over 2% in 2022. “We aim to increase this to 10%,” he stated confidently.

To further enhance youth leadership skills, the summit featured speakers from various industries. Munadi Herlambang, Director of Institutional Banking at Bank BNI, presented insights from the banking sector. From the manufacturing industry, Didik Prasetiyono, President Director of PT SIER, and Muhammad Fauzan, Director of Human Capital and Legal at PT Hutama Karya, also shared their expertise. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhani

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