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Sunday, September 01, 2024
July 17, 2024 19:07

Through HEPI Forum, ITS Strengthens Collaboration with US Universities

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Rektor ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD saat memberikan sambutan di HEPI Forum Series 2024 di Gedung Research Center ITS

ITS Rector Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD gives a speech at the HEPI Forum Series 2024 at the ITS Research Centre Building.

ITS Campus, ITS News — Cooperation between universities is important to build a quality educational environment. To realise this, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) hosted the Higher Education Partnership Initiative (HEPI) Forum Series 2024 at the ITS Research Centre Auditorium on Wednesday (17/7).

This is the third time the programme has been initiated by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). ITS itself is one of 36 universities in Indonesia that are affiliated in the programme, in addition to three universities that become Hubs namely Bina Nusantara University (Binus), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and Hasanuddin University (Unhas).

In his remarks, ITS Rector Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD said that ITS has become one of the universities affiliated with USAID in the development of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). “Cooperation with US universities is done through research collaboration, student exchange, international workshops, community service projects, and various other activities,” said Bambang.

With the theme STEM Community of Best Practices: Working Together for Powerful Higher Education Partnerships, the forum aims to improve the quality of STEM education through cross-country partnerships. The forum featured panels and workshops by practitioners and academics from US and Indonesian universities, industry leaders, and government officials.

Acting Public Affairs Officer Konsulat Jenderal Amerika Serikat di Surabaya Kayla Smith saat menyampaikan sambutannya pada gelaran HEPI Forum Series 2024 di Gedung Research Center ITS

Acting Public Affairs Officer of the United States Consulate General in Surabaya Kayla Smith delivers her remarks at the HEPI Forum Series 2024 event at the ITS Research Centre Building.

Previously, the forum was successfully held in Bandung and Jakarta on international accreditation, the role of women in STEM and industry advisory boards. This time, USAID HEPI, implemented by Arizona State University, highlighted the best practices of partnerships in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines in close collaboration with ITS.

One of the discussion topics raised was building sustainable cooperation between universities and industry players. As an institution closely related to research and innovation, universities play a role in providing human resources (HR). As a reciprocal relationship, industry players are obliged to prepare funds and supporting sources for research development.

On this occasion, Bambang expressed his hope that all parties could glean information and ideas for the development of the higher education system in the future, especially in the STEM field. “In the future, hopefully we (ITS) can establish more partners with various national and international universities, not to forget also with companies engaged in industry,” said the Mechanical Engineering Department lecturer hopefully.

One of the panellists, ITS Global Partnership Director Dr Maria Anityasari, revealed that ITS is dedicated to developing a curriculum that is in line with industrial activities. With a learning system that is tailored to these needs, universities are able to produce quality human resources and in accordance with the required qualifications. “Alumni who have global competence will be able to compete in the industrial world,” said the lecturer at the ITS Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering.

Direktur Inovasi dan Kawasan Sains Teknologi (DIKST) ITS Dr Eng Kriyo Sambodho ST MEng (tengah) dan Direktur Kemitraan Global ITS Dr Maria Anityasari (kanan) saat jadi pembicara

ITS Director of Innovation and Science Technology Area (DIKST) Dr Eng Kriyo Sambodho ST MEng (centre) and ITS Director of Global Partnerships Dr Maria Anityasari (right) as speakers

Through the panel discussion, ITS also had the opportunity to introduce the Science Techno Park (STP) as a form of commitment in strengthening collaboration between educational institutions and industry players. STP invites universities, government, communities, media and industry players to prepare superior resources through teaching, research and training activities.

Meanwhile, a representative from the US Embassy, Acting Public Affairs Officer of the US Consulate General in Surabaya Kayla Smith also emphasised the importance of cooperation to increase the number of STEM graduates in Indonesia. This is due to the increasingly diverse world challenges such as climate change and health issues that require the ability of an expert in their field. “For this reason, we need to develop technology and increase global competitiveness in various sectors, such as medicine, computer science, and engineering,” she reminded.

The forum’s agenda included in-depth panel discussions on building sustainable university-industry partnerships, increasing international recognition through strategic collaborations, and implementing project-based learning opportunities. These include Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) and the Global Multi-Disciplinary Course to empower Indonesian students with practical skills and cross-cultural collaboration with US students. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: A Rifda Yuni Artika
Translator: I Gusti Agung Jaya Hiswara

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