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July 23, 2024 03:07

ITS wins 11 champions at OLIVIA IX 2024

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Kontingen ITS usai malam penganugerahan Olimpiade Vokasi Indonesia (OLIVIA) IX 2024 di Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar

The ITS contingent after the awarding night of the Indonesian Vocational Olympiad (OLIVIA) IX 2024 at Hasanuddin University, Makassar.

Kampus ITS, ITS News — Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) through the Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) again showed its fangs at the Indonesian Vocational Olympiad (OLIVIA) IX 2024. A total of 11 awards were successfully won at the event which was officially closed with an awarding night at Hasanuddin University, Makassar, last Friday (7/19).

In the competition organized by the Indonesian Vocational Higher Education Forum (FPTVI), 12 ITS delegation teams competed in 11 fields of competition in the final round. The ITS contingent successfully won three first place titles, three second place titles, three third place titles, one Hope I title, and one hope II title. The score led ITS to occupy the second best college in this national level Olympiad.

Perolehan juara pada OLIVIA IX 2024 yang menempatkan ITS menduduki peringkat kedua perguruan tinggi dengan juara terbanyak

The acquisition of champions at OLIVIA IX 2024 which placed ITS in second place in the university with the most winners

The first place was won by teams from the Handling and Restrain Design, Renewable Machine Tool Design Technology, and Applied Health Science Innovation categories. Meanwhile, the second place was won by teams from the Aquascape Design Prototype, Mechanical Engineering CAD, and English Debate categories.

For the Biotechnology Innovation, Innovative Design, and Social Legal Fields categories, they won third place. Meanwhile, the first runner-up title was donated from the Business Plan category and the second runner-up from the Social and Legal Fields category.

Salah satu tim ITS yang berhasil menyabet juara I untuk kategori Applied Health Science Innovation pada OLIVIA IX 2024

One of the ITS teams that won first place in the Applied Health Science Innovation category at OLIVIA IX 2024

One of the ITS team supervisors, Slamet Budiprayitno ST MT, told the process of the team he guided, the Naturescrapers team. The process began in March 2024, namely the preparation of proposals or prototype works for the first stage of selection. Of the hundreds of proposals selected, the team managed to represent ITS in the final round for the Aquascape Design Prototype category and successfully won second place. “In the midst of tight time, the team managed to create a prototype of the aquatic environment in the forest with the right lighting,” he explained proudly.

Meanwhile, OLIVIA IX ITS Team Coordinator Ir I Putu Eka Widya Pratama SSi MScRWTH appreciated the achievements made by ITS Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) students at the prestigious event. According to him, ITS’ triumph in OLIVIA IX 2024 was the result of hard work and high enthusiasm from FV students and lecturers. “Do not forget the support of all parties to accompany this success,” added the man who is familiarly called Eka.

Tim ITS pada kategori Aquascape Design Prototype saat menyampaikan inovasinya pada final OLIVIA IX 2024

ITS team in the Aquascape Design Prototype category presenting their innovation at the OLIVIA IX 2024 finals.

The ITS Instrumentation Engineering Department lecturer hopes that in the following year, ITS can win more titles so as to bring ITS back to the General Champion podium. In addition, he also hopes that the encouragement from the ITS academic community will be stronger for this Olympiad. “Because there are many ideas from students, it needs to be facilitated properly in order to reap the best results,” he ended. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Aghnia Tias Salsabila

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