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September 23, 2024 12:09

ITS’ Spektronics Team Wins Four Titles at AISC 2024

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Tim Spektronics ITS usai meraih beberapa gelar juara dalam kompetisi Chem-E-Car di AISC 2024

ITS Spektronics team after winning several titles in the Chem-E-Car competition at AISC 2024

ITS Campus, ITS News — Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) student teams again showed off in the Chem-E-Car competition at the AIChE Indonesia Student Conference (AISC) 2024. The ITS Spektronics Team successfully won four titles at the competition, which was officially closed at Akamigas Energy and Mineral Polytechnic (PEM), Cepu, Central Java, last Saturday (31/8) night.

Bringing its latest innovation, the Sp26 x PT PP car successfully led the ITS Spektronics Team to excel from five other finalist teams in several titles. Among them are the 2nd Runner-Up in the Chem-E-Car Competition, the Chem-E-Car Poster Award winner, the Most Innovative Car Design in the Chem-E-Car Award, and the Most Popularity Video Profile in the Chem-E-Car Award.

ITS Spektronics Team Manager Alifia Salsa Nabila Putri said that the innovation has advantages regarding batteries. Using an Al-Air Battery with ten voltages per set, the battery can be reused by simply washing it with water and then drying it through sun exposure. “We are the only team that brings a battery car from four other teams that use pressure cars,” explained Alifia.

Tim Spektronics ITS saat melakukan persiapan sebelum melakukan race competition pada tahap final AISC 2024

ITS Spektronics Team while preparing before the race competition at the final stage of AISC 2024

Not only the battery, this car is coated with stainless steel material to withstand any load that hinders it. Then, the vehicle is also fitted with a peristaltic pump to stop the car at a certain distance. This tool will flow hydrochloric acid solution to sodium thiosulfate so that the vehicle can produce a high level of accuracy without contamination of other components.

Alifia also explained that the Chem-E-Car competition was divided into two stages. In the first stage, the team presented the innovation and technology developed. In addition, the safety aspect is also an assessment to maintain the safety of this chemical reaction car so that it can run safely using the resources used.

Tampilan Sp26 x PT PP, mobil reaksi kimia hasil inovasi dari Tim Spektronics ITS yang dilombakan dalam AISC 2024

The appearance of Sp26 x PT PP, an innovative chemical reaction car from the ITS Spektronics Team competing in AISC 2024

In the next stage, the participants will be faced with a race competition that measures the accuracy of each car that has been developed. Through a 21-meter straight track, each team is given two attempts to run their vehicle closer to the finish line. The car with the shortest distance from the finish line will win. “Alhamdulillah, our car can move and get a distance difference of 0.32 meters to the finish line,” he said gratefully.

(dari kiri) Lionel Pascado Hermawan, Alifia Salsa Nabila Putri, Gladys Sukma Thufailah, Mohammad Kelvin Destrio, Bima risky Sofyan, dan Achmad Fadjar Maulana dari Tim Spektronics ITS yang menjuarai AISC 2024

(from left) Lionel Pascado Hermawan, Alifia Salsa Nabila Putri, Gladys Sukma Thufailah, Mohammad Kelvin Destrio, Bima Risky Sofyan, and Achmad Fadjar Maulana from the ITS Spektronics Team, who won the AISC 2024

With this result, the team, which consists of five other members, namely Achmad Fadjar Maulana Firdaus, Bima Rizky Sofyan, Lionel Pascado Hermawan, Gladys Sukma Thufailah, and Mohammad Kelvin Destrio, said they were satisfied and proud of their debut in the AIChE regional competition. “We will continue to strive always to develop innovations and continue our steps in international competitions,” said the ITS Chemical Engineering Department student. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Muhammad Aulia Zikra
Translator: Lael Soebakir

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