ITS Campus, ITS News — The carving of the beautiful romance story of Dr. Rajabal Akbar SSi MSc and Dr. Egi Yuliora SSi MSi colored the 130th Graduation of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). The husband and wife couple from the Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK) ITS were successfully confirmed together as doctors at the 130th ITS Graduation ceremony held at the ITS Graha Sepuluh Nopember, Sunday (22/9).
Reviewing her story, Egi said that she and her husband, who is familiarly called Raja, first met in the Physics Study Program at the University of Riau (Unri) 16 years ago. Being in the same class made the two get to know each other. This closeness continued to grow as Egi and Raja lived the life of the department together. “From that friendship, a feeling arose to support and care for each other,” said the woman from Riau.
Continuing their master’s degree program (S2), this couple chose different places to anchor. When Raja chose to continue his studies in the Physics Study Program at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Egi chose the Physics Study Program at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). However, distance was not a barrier for this couple to take care of each other. Loyalty and patience led them to marriage in 2018.
The enthusiasm of this Bengkalis State Polytechnic lecturer couple to pursue their education led them to take steps to earn a doctorate together at the ITS campus. Taking the same concentration related to ship hydrodynamics, these two people support each other and try to understand each other. “In carrying out our education, we always try to be supportive scientific discussion partners and maintain good communication,” he said.
The woman who was born on July 31, 1988, said that even when carrying out her dissertation assignment, she and Raja took turns being each other’s promoters. Both of them always tried to understand and made full efforts to help each other with their assignments. When they returned home, they would evaluate each other and give input so that they could complete their assignments immediately and switch to carrying out their household activities.
This heartwarming emotional moment will be a beautiful memory that will be forever anchored in the hearts of Raja and Egi. Even so, this extraordinary academic achievement is not their last target. Egi said that he was inspired to continue the steps to achieve a professorship with Raja as had been achieved by Prof. Herman Pratikno ST MT PhD who also came from the Department of Ocean Engineering, FTK ITS with his wife Prof. Harmin Sulistyaning Titah ST MT PhD from the Department of Environmental Engineering, ITS.
In the midst of this long journey, the story of Egi and Raja is not always filled with happiness. Hard days still often come to the parents of Gathan Abyan Ramadhan. However, this couple believes that no bad day lasts forever. In the future, both of them hope to be able to go through the ship of education and household together forever. “Hopefully our struggle can bring wider benefits to more people,” he concluded hopefully. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)
Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhani
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