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Thursday, January 30, 2025
September 27, 2024 10:09

ITS Affirms Integrity Zone Commitment Through Public Consultation Forum

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Asisten Pratama Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Provinsi Jawa Timur Achmad Azmi Musyadad SIP MIP saat menjelaskan soal Zona Integritas di Forum Komunikasi Publik ITS

Assistant to the Ombudsman RI Representative for East Java Province, Achmad Azmi Musyadad SIP MIP, while explaining about the Integrity Zone at the ITS Public Communication Forum

ITS Campus, ITS News — Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) further affirms its commitment to providing excellent service to the community. As concrete evidence, ITS held a Public Consultation Forum to support the development of the Integrity Zone (ZI) towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) in the Main Meeting Room of the ITS Rectorate Building, Thursday (26/9).

Head of the Integrated Service Center (PLT) ITS Elif Nurfiana revealed that the Public Consultation Forum was held as a means to gather aspirations and input from both academics and the community. “This step is expected to strengthen ITS’s efforts in creating a transparent environment free from corrupt practices,” she explained.

Kepala Subbagian Pusat Layanan Terpadu ITS Ellif Nurfiana SIIP (kiri) saat sesi penyampaian standar pelayanan publik ITS

Head of the ITS Integrated Service Center Sub-Division Ellif Nurfiana SIIP (left) during the ITS public service standards delivery session

Elif also emphasized that improving the quality of service at ITS cannot be separated from the achievement of ZI towards WBK. According to him, WBK does not only focus on eradicating corruption, but also serves as a foundation for creating more effective and transparent services in the community.

In its implementation, ITS has consistently implemented anti-corruption values ​​through various policies and socializations since 2021. “One of the realizations of increasing awareness of this anti-corruption culture is the rule that lecturers are not allowed to accept gratuities in any form from students,” he added.

Salah satu sivitas akademika ITS saat bertanya terkait standar pelayanan publik ITS pada Forum Konsultasi Publik ITS

One of the ITS academics asked about ITS public service standards at the ITS Public Consultation Forum

Responding to this, the Assistant Pratama Ombudsman RI Representative of East Java Province Achmad Azmi M SIP MIP welcomed the initiative taken by ITS. He praised ITS’s commitment as one of the universities that consistently improves public service standards from year to year. “We hope that ITS will continue to strive to improve and update Public Service Standards to ensure that public satisfaction is increasingly achieved,” concluded Azmi.

In this ITS Public Communication Forum activity, various elements were also invited to test the feasibility of the services provided by ITS so far. Among others, from the ITS academic community, the general public as ITS stakeholders, government elements represented by representatives from the Surabaya City Government, and the mass media. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)


Reporter: Andra Eka Wijayanti

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