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October 26, 2024 00:10

Only Four Years Established, ITS DMT Achieves Excellent Accreditation

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Dekan SIMT ITS Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP menunjukkan sertifikat Akreditasi Unggul DMT ITS

Dekan SIMT ITS Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP menunjukkan sertifikat Akreditasi Unggul DMT ITS

ITS Campus, ITS News — Only four years since its establishment, the Doctor of Technology Management (DMT) Program at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) has succeeded in proving its quality in academic implementation. In its relatively young age, DMT ITS managed to achieve Superior Accreditation from the Business Management and Accounting Economics Self-Accreditation Institute (LAMEMBA).

Dean of the Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) ITS Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP said that this accreditation will be valid for the next five years starting from October 16, 2024. There are four levels of accreditation, namely Not Accredited, Good Accredited, Very Good Accredited, and Excellent Accredited. Of these levels, DMT ITS has succeeded in achieving the highest level, namely Excellent Accredited.

The man who is familiarly called Nyoman explained that in addition to the many assessment criteria that exist, one aspect that is emphasized in this accreditation is internationalization. The assessment is seen starting from the curriculum applied at DMT ITS. “It is seen whether we make the curriculum with an international university benchmark or not,” he explained.

Dekan SIMT ITS Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP (tengah depan) bersama para dosen dan mahasiswa DMT ITS saat menggelar Kolokium SIMT-ITS di Mahidol University, Thailand

Dean of SIMT ITS Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP (center front) with lecturers and students of DMT ITS during the SIMT-ITS Colloquium at Mahidol University, Thailand

Not only that, the assessors from LAMEMBA also paid attention to the lecturers and students. In terms of lecturers, some of the concerns are the involvement of lecturers from foreign campuses in lectures and the reputation of lecturers who are already at the international level. On the student side, the aspects considered in the accreditation are international publications made and the presence of foreign students who study at DMT ITS.

Nyoman added that there are several requirements that must be met by DMT ITS in order to achieve this accreditation. One of them is the percentage of teaching lecturers who are at least 60 percent of the total teaching professors. Then, the lecturers are also required to publish in international journals with a total of more than one publication in the last three years.

Mahasiswa dan dosen DMT ITS saat mengikuti kegiatan IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Technology 2024 di Bali

ITS DMT students and lecturers attending the IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Technology 2024 in Bali

On the other hand, the ITS Professor of supply chain engineering also said that another requirement is that more than 3 percent of ITS DMT students have made presentations at the international level. “We far exceed this, in fact almost all students have made presentations in international forums and even to publications,” he said proudly.

In addition to being a source of pride for DMT ITS, the lecturer who completed his doctorate at Lancaster University, UK, also realizes that achieving Excellent Accreditation also comes with responsibilities. The program, which is part of SIMT ITS, must also maintain the quality of its education properly. “Academic implementation must certainly be supported by a good process, so that graduates deserve to hold a doctoral degree and get good results,” Nyoman reminded. (ITS PR)


Reporter: Muhammad Fadhil Alfaruqi

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