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November 06, 2024 03:11

Supporting Sustainable Transportation, ITS Alumni Innovate Airport Train Design

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
I Putu Dewangga Mahesa saat menunjukkan inovasi desain kereta karyanya pada Pameran Tugas Akhir di Departemen Desain Produk Industri ITS

I Putu Dewangga Mahesa showing his innovative train design at the Final Project Exhibition at the ITS Industrial Product Design Department

ITS Campus, ITS News — Fulfilling the transportation aspect is one of the things that needs to be considered in the development of new cities such as the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN). Departing from this problem, an alumnus of the Industrial Product Design Department (Despro) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) innovated an airport train design that connects IKN with the surrounding cities.

The innovation initiated by I Putu Dewangga Mahesa focuses on the exterior and interior design of the electric train that adapts to the characteristics and needs of the IKN. The train, named Batara (Balikpapan – Nusantara) Airport Express, serves the train route from the IKN to Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Airport (SAMS) Sepinggan, Balikpapan. The strategic location of the airport can make this train one of the transportation icons in the IKN.

The young man who is familiarly called Angga explained that there are differences in specifications between the train lines that have been planned by the IKN government and the lines that have existed in Indonesia. Therefore, the existing design must adjust to the route plan and optimal train specifications. “Now we are adjusting to international railway standards, for example in the width of the rails and the dimensions of the train,” he explained.

Prototipe Batara Airport Express karya alumnus ITS yang berhasil meraih penghargaan terbaik kategori Service Oriented Design Solution di IIDSA 2024

The Batara Airport Express prototype by ITS alumni won the best award in the Service Oriented Design Solution category at IIDSA 2024.

In its design, this train emphasizes the design of the train head which is streamlined so that it shows a modern and futuristic impression. The shape of the train head minimizes air resistance so that the train can reach a maximum speed of up to 160 kilometers per hour. Angga also said that this train head model is not yet commonly used in Indonesia.

The front of the train head is also equipped with two doors that integrate the connection system between train sets. This allows passengers to easily move between sets, so this innovation effectively increases capacity when two train sets are combined. “In addition, this door can also be used as an evacuation place in case of emergency,” he said.

In line with the goal of IKN as a forest city, this train also presents a natural concept that combines natural elements in the train design. Angga combines blue and green as a representation of the natural beauty of Indonesia. In addition, the shape of the train is inspired by the morphology of the elongated dragonfly body. “Dragonflies are symbolized as animals that live in a healthy environment, as we hope for IKN,” said Angga.

I Putu Dewangga Bayu Mahesa (pegang mic) saat mempresentasikan inovasinya yang bertajuk Konsep Desain Eksterior Interior Kereta Bandara Sepinggan – IKN Kaltim

I Putu Dewangga Bayu Mahesa (holding the mic) while presenting his innovation entitled Exterior Interior Design Concept for Sepinggan Airport Train – IKN East Kalimantan

In terms of comfort, this fast train also provides features that can facilitate passenger activities on the train. These features include automatic doors, areas for wheelchair users, and shelves for storing luggage. Angga added that the interior of the train is designed according to anthropometry or human physical dimensions so that it can optimize passenger comfort.

This innovation, which is also the output of his Final Assignment (TA) from college, has succeeded in bringing Angga an award at the 5th Indonesia Industrial Design Student Award (IIDSA) some time ago. Under the guidance of Dr. Agus Windharto DEA, the young man from Bekasi won the best predicate in the Service Oriented Design Solution category IIDSA 2024.

In the future, the alumnus who graduated at the 130th ITS Graduation last September hopes that the Indonesian manufacturing industry can develop even better, so that train production can be carried out domestically. The design and features offered can be adjusted to the needs so that the Indonesian people can be interested in switching modes of transportation. “The public can be more aware that taking the train will be more comfortable and easier than taking a car,” concluded Angga consciously. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)


Reporter: A Rifda Yuni Artika

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