ITS News

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
November 07, 2024 03:11

Helping Fishermen with Information, ITS Presents Lamusa Bahari Innovation

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Tim Lamusa ITS bersama para nelayan Desa Paciran, Lamongan saat peninjauan perahu untuk persiapan instalasi dan pengenalan Lamusa Bahari

The ITS Lamusa Team with fishermen from Paciran Village, Lamongan during a boat inspection to prepare for the installation and introduction of Lamusa Bahari

ITS Campus, ITS News Lampu Nusantara (Lamusa) Team from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) presents an innovative product to support fishermen’s work productivity. This time, this leading ITS research team implemented energy-saving surface LED lights to help light the purse seine vessel titled Lamusa Bahari.

Lamusa team leader Iwan Cony Setiadi ST MT explained that purse seine vessels are fishing vessels equipped with pelagic fishing gear, namely fish species that live in groups near the surface of the water. In its operation, light is the main tool for fishermen to attract the attention of schools of fish. “Unfortunately, the lights used by fishermen are wasteful of energy so that energy consumption is still not optimal economically,” said the lecturer from the ITS Engineering Physics Department.

To overcome this problem, Iwan and his team presented Lamusa Bahari as a lighting solution that has been adjusted to the existing conditions of fishermen today. Iwan explained that Lamusa Bahari is an LED and aluminum-based lamp product that has high efficiency with savings of 40 to 50 percent. This lamp has a longer service life of up to 50 thousand hours of use.

Made with marine grade material, this lamp can be used flexibly by fishermen and can be placed in all parts of the ship. The light intensity setting on this lamp can also be adjusted and can perform dimming or LED dimming settings to save power and energy efficiency. However, the heating level of this lamp is still lower than conventional lamps, so it can avoid overheating which can interfere with the operation of the lamp.

Ketua tim Lamusa ITS Iwan Cony Setiadi ST MT (tengah) saat menjelaskan produk Lamusa Bahari kepada para nelayan di Desa Paciran, Lamongan

ITS Lamusa team leader Iwan Cony Setiadi ST MT (center) explaining the Lamusa Bahari product to fishermen in Paciran Village, Lamongan

Furthermore, Iwan said, this lamp does not contain mercury which can be harmful to the environment. In addition, the technology in this lamp produces a green color spectrum to adjust to the type and age of certain fish. With this, the Lamusa Bahari lamp can help fishermen avoid overfishing and bycatch. Overfishing itself is an activity of excessive fishing, while bycatch is an unintentional or inappropriate catch.

Through this innovation, the team, which also consists of Agus Muhammad Hatta ST MSi PhD, Prof. Dr. Dewi Hidayati SSi MSi, Gita Widi Bhawika SST MMT CSCA, and Ahmad Rieskha Harseno ST MDs, has succeeded in obtaining funding at the prestigious PF Science 2024 event, last September. PF Science itself is an annual competition held by the Pertamina Foundation to encourage innovators to realize renewable energy and technology innovations.

Tim Lamusa ITS bersama para nelayan Desa Paciran, Lamongan pada sosialisasi persiapan instalasi dan pengenalan Lamusa Bahari

The ITS Lamusa Team with fishermen from Paciran Village, Lamongan during the socialization of installation preparation and introduction of Lamusa Bahari

In the future, Iwan emphasized that Lamusa Bahari and the Lamusa team will continue to improve from various sides. The closest focus in the development of Lamusa Bahari is to increase fishermen’s knowledge of the product and direct installation of this product. Through these efforts, Iwan believes that more fishermen will be helped to increase their productivity in catching fish and going to sea. “So that later it will also have an impact on improving the community’s economy,” said Iwan hopefully. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)


Reporter: ION 15

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