ITS Campus, ITS News — Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) became one of the partners of Pertamina Goes to Campus (PTGC) 2024. Bringing the theme Energizing the Future Together & Next Generation Leaders, hundreds of students attended the event at Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS on Wednesday (30/10).
ITS Rector Prof Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD said that energy independence is essential in achieving the net zero target by 2060. However, Indonesia still faces challenges transitioning conventional energy into environmentally friendly energy.
To achieve this, Bambang said, collaboration between industry and universities is a potential tool. ITS is one of the institutions of higher learning that has collaborated with various industrial sectors, including the energy sector. “One of the ways is through ITS’s commitment to collaborating with PT Pertamina to encourage energy progress in Indonesia,” said the ITS Mechanical Engineering Department professor.
PThe discussion session was opened by three presenters from academics and public figures. Namely Dr Ir I Ketut Arya Priya Utama MSc, I Gusti Ngurah Handiyana, and Farwiza Farhan. The discussion session under the theme Energizing the Ocean explored the younger generation’s role in maintaining marine sustainability.
The head of the ITS Marine and Earth Science and Technology Research Center, Prof Dr Ir I Ketut Arya Priya Utama, revealed that students need to be actively involved in efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the sea through collaborative academic research. “The effort is not only limited to research but also to producing a sustainable product,” said the ITS Naval Architecture Department professor, often called Ikap.
In addition to the younger generation, Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) Vice President of Technical Fleet Management I Gusti Ngurah Handiyana explained that the Indonesian industrial sector, through PIS, also took steps to reduce carbon emissions through green technology. The green technology program has been implemented by rejuvenating ships. “This is done by PIS through the adoption of environmentally friendly technology to increase fuel efficiency,” he explained.
Furthermore, Environmental Advocate Farwiza Farhan added that maintaining marine sustainability also requires public awareness through digital media. The Acehnese woman suggested a strategy to attract the public through social media by creating valuable content according to the audience’s needs.
Not only learning from the speakers, participants were also provided with a discussion session with PT Pertamina regarding career opportunities within the company. Various games also livened up the event to motivate participants further. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Hani Aqilah Safitri
Translator: Lael Soebakir
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