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November 26, 2024 16:11

Proudly, ITS Academic Staff Achieves PAPTI Award 2024

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Muhammad Samsul Arifin (kanan) yang mewakili ITS pada ajang PAPTI Award 2024 saat menerima penghargaan Juara II Arsiparis Berinovasi

Muhammad Samsul Arifin (right) representing ITS at the PAPTI Award 2024 while receiving the II place on Innovative Archivist Award

ITS Campus, ITS News — Not only lecturers and students but also the academic staff (in Indonesian: Tenaga Kependidikan) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) made brilliant achievements. Muhammad Samsul Arifin, one of the ITS representative academic staff, successfully won second place in the Innovative Archivist category through the innovation of utilizing archival metadata in Indonesian Higher Education Archives Association (in Indonesian: Perkumpulan Arsip Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia, abbreviated PAPTI) Award 2024 at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on Tuesday (29/10).

The ITS Archives and Multimedia Documentation Staff of the General Bureau and Bureaucratic Reform (BURB) explained that this annual event is an appreciation forum for the performance and innovation carried out by archivists or archive managers in institutions. The 2024 PAPTI Award recognizes two types of awards: the Innovative Archivist (Arsiparis Berinovasi) and the Archivists Award (Anugerah Insan Kearsipan). “This year, ITS won for the Innovative Archivist,” explained the man who is familiarly called Samsul.

Samsul explained that the Innovative Archivist category has four assessment criteria. These criteria include profile videos and innovative work, innovation work papers, potential impact of work, and presentation of innovative work. He also revealed that of the 18 participating universities, ITS was chosen to be one of the six institutions that graduated to the final round.

Tampilan Document Management System (DMS) ITS yang mampu menyimpan dan mengelola dokumen serta arsip digital

ITS Document Management System (DMS) Display which holds and manages all digital archives and documents

Exploring the innovations brought about, Samsul explained the document management system at ITS, which focuses on developing a document management system (DMS)—a platform that stores and manages institutional archives. Using SharePoint technology, DMS is an integrated information center that meets ITS academic and administrative needs.

In addition to DMS, Samsul and his team also developed an application called Inspirasi ITS. The application supports the Integrity Zone (ZI) towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) program at ITS. “Through this application, all documents and data needed can be searched easily,” he said.

Tim Kearsipan dan Dokumentasi Multimedia ITS yang mengusung inovasi Pemanfaatan Metadata Arsip Guna Pengembangan Aplikasi Inspirasi ITS untuk Mendukung Pembangunan ZI WBK di Lingkungan ITS

ITS Multimedia Archives and Documentation Team who carries the innovation of Utilizing Archival Metadata for the Development of ITS Inspiration Applications to Support the Development of ZI WBK in the ITS Environment

Furthermore, Samsul revealed that Inspirasi ITS is designed with a system that can manage archive access publicly or privately, as needed. The archives stored in Inspirasi ITS utilize metadata from the ITS DMS according to category and level of importance. “DMS integration in the application helps access archives in real-time,” he said.

Several innovations compiled by the ITS Multimedia Archives and Documentation team, as Samsul put it, not only support internal efficiency but also strengthen the ITS culture of transparency and accountability. In addition, using digital technology in archiving expands opportunities for academic sustainability and campus bureaucracy. “Because archives are more than just stored, but also useful in various lifelines,” he reminded. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Aghnia Tias Salsabila
Translator: Lael Soebakir

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