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Friday, March 07, 2025
January 06, 2025 18:01

Insgluni, Non-Invasive Blood Sugar Detection by ITS Students

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Tampilan antarmuka aplikasi pendamping Insgluni yang dapat merekam data pengujian kadar gula darah dan memberikan informasi kesehatan pengguna

The interface of the Insgluni companion application that can record blood sugar level test data and provide user health information

ITS Campus, ITS News — A team of students from the Instrumentation Engineering Department  , Faculty of Vocational Studies, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has successfully innovated a non-invasive blood sugar detection tool called the Non-Invasive Glucose Instrument (Insgluni). This tool, which works without a blood draw, brings a solution to a safer, more comfortable, and environmentally friendly blood sugar level examination process.

The initiator of Insgluni who is also the team leader Rafly Zaka Rulloh explained that his innovation was developed from his concerns about the conventional blood sugar examination process which is invasive. The process of taking blood using a syringe causes pain and carries the risk of infection. “Conventional methods also contribute to medical waste in the form of syringes and test strips,” he explained with concern.

Rafly said, Insgluni is here to provide an alternative blood sugar level check that is easier and safer for users and the environment. In addition to being beneficial for diabetes sufferers, this innovation also helps early examination in individuals who care about their health. “Insgluni can also be used in health institutions such as hospitals, clinics, and community health centers,” he added.

Penerapan Insgluni untuk pemeriksaan kadar gula darah non-invasif yang lebih aman, nyaman, dan ramah lingkungan

Application of Insgluni for non-invasive blood sugar level examination that is safer, more comfortable and environmentally friendly

Furthermore, this portable cube-shaped device utilizes non-infrared light as a trigger for the blood sugar detector. Rafly explained that the non-infrared light that is fired will hit the finger at the test site that has been provided. The light bar that successfully passes through the finger will then be captured by a photodiode optical sensor with a wavelength of 940 nanometers.

Next, the trained system will filter, process, and convert light noise into a value with blood sugar units of milligrams per deciliter. Through a long trial phase, Insgluni has proven to have a blood sugar level detection accuracy rate of 87 percent. “This value is much greater than similar devices on the market,” said the young man from Bangkalan proudly.

Insgluni, alat pendeteksi kadar gula darah non-invasif karya tim mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Instrumentasi ITS

Insgluni, a non-invasive blood sugar level detection tool created by a team of students from the ITS Instrumentation Engineering Department

Not only that, Insgluni is also equipped with an android-based application that can be connected to a wi-fi network. This application will receive and store blood sugar level test data recordings and provide user health information. Thus, users can monitor and control blood sugar levels regularly and routinely.

Rafly and his team members, namely Yeti Mirasani, Muhammad Zidane Abri, Rafly Zaka Rulloh, Rahadiyan Rachmadi, and Yus Putri Arum Seger have also succeeded in delivering Insgluni to level 7 in the Technology Readiness Level (TKT). “At this level, Insgluni has reached a mature prototype form and has been mass tested on a small environmental scale,” explained Rafly.

The team guided by Ir Sefi Novendra Patrialova SSi MT has successfully presented innovations that support the achievement of four points of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Namely SDGs 3 on Healthy and Prosperous Life, SDGs 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDGs 9 on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and SDGs 12 on Responsible Consumption and Production.

Tim Insgluni ketika menerima medali emas pada kategori PKM-KI subkategori Presentasi pada ajang Pimnas 2024

The Insgluni Team when receiving the gold medal in the PKM-KI category, Presentation subcategory at the 2024 Pimnas event

Thanks to it’s innovation, the ITS Insgluni team has also succeeded in achieving proud achievements at the national level. Namely by winning the first place in the Innovative Works Student Creativity Program (PKM-KI) category, Presentation subcategory at the 2024 National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas).

The student born in 2002 revealed the next plan to develop Insgluni further and obtain a commercialization permit. He hopes that the benefits of Insgluni can be felt by the wider community. “With the security, ease, and comfort it brings, Insgluni can improve the quality of public health,” he said convincingly. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Ahmad Naufal Ilham

Translator: Devinka Mutianeira

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