ITS Campus, ITS News — Encouraging the role of design in solving social and cultural issues, the Visual Communication Design (DKV) Department of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held a Social and Cultural DKV Exhibition. The activity, which began three days ago and was just opened to the public on Monday (13/12), is a form of real implementation of design courses.
Lecturer of the ITS DKV Department, Atsilia Hasna Nabilah ST MA explained that this exhibition is a place to showcase students’ work for the final assignment of the Social and Cultural DKV course. This course serves as a means of forming students’ character through understanding the conditions of the surrounding environment. “Social, cultural, and environmental issues are the focus of this course,” she said.
Atsilia explained that students will be placed in two different perspectives in viewing problems, namely as designers and individuals who experience problems. That way, students are able to present solutions with the right design concept. “The output produced is a design that contains solutions,” added the lecturer in charge of the Social and Cultural DKV course.
According to Atsilia, at this year’s exhibition, the works exhibited were visual innovations applied in animation, videography, packaging design, and marketing methods. Each student was responsible for presenting solutions according to the design field of interest. “Each student has their own ideas and creativity to realize the design,” said Atsilia.
One of the exhibition participants, Anisa Nur Afifah, brought a work that raised the issue of the crisis of traditional game culture. This was motivated by the widespread use of gadgets today which has eroded the existence of traditional games. “Even now, 40 to 60 percent of traditional games are no longer played,” explained the student who is familiarly called Icha.
With the theme of Preserving Traditional Games in Kampoeng Dolanan, Icha tried to present traditional games with a more interactive approach. This aims to ensure that traditional games that act as the identity and heritage of the Indonesian nation remain sustainable. “In addition, so that traditional games can also be enjoyed by all groups,” she said hopefully.
This DKV Socio-Cultural Exhibition was successfully held beautifully with the presence of a myriad of amazing student works. Not only visually appealing, but the ideas, creativity, and solutions offered contain deep messages. In addition, the student works exhibited succeeded in presenting a solution with the latest design approach. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)
Reporter: Ahmad Naufal Ilham
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