ITS News

Tuesday, January 07, 2025
January 06, 2025 15:01

ITS Students Apply New Concept to Indonesian Bridge Design

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Desain jembatan Jaya Askara karya Tim ACE ITS yang mengusung konsep diagonal arch bridge yang memadukan berbagai inovasi guna kenyamanan dan keamanan jembatan

The Jaya Askara Bridge design by the ITS ACE Team carries the concept of a diagonal arch bridge that combines various innovations for the comfort and safety of the bridge.

ITS Campus, ITS News —Thinking of being able to provide a bridge facility that is friendly to the environment and pedestrians, a student team named ACE from the Civil Engineering Department of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has succeeded in designing a long-span bridge that carries the concept of a diagonal arch bridge. Not only that, the bridge design named Jaya Askara is also equipped with the latest technology and a magnificent design to support the progress of infrastructure in Indonesia.

ITS ACE Team Leader Zaidan Dzaki Prasetya Adi said that the bridge design that carries the concept of a diagonal arch bridge has never existed in Indonesia before. This encouraged his team to carry this bridge concept by combining technology and local wisdom. “The concept of our bridge design has a simple structure but can withstand loads very strongly,” he emphasized.

Zaidan explained that this 200-meter long bridge was designed to support the safety and comfort of pedestrians passing by. One of them is by installing a guardrail roller as a road divider that can dampen and convert impact energy into rotational energy. In addition, suicide barriers and emergency number boards were also installed to avoid bad incidents that could befall pedestrians.

Furthermore, Zaidan added, the smart canopy innovation combined with solar panel technology provides comfort as a place to rest and do activities. The energy produced provides electricity and wi-fi networks as well as adequate lighting. “The 2.5-meter wide sidewalk and the presence of blind guides on both sides of the bridge add to the comfort of pedestrians from various groups,” explained Zaidan.

Desain smart canopy pada jembatan Jaya Askara, karya tim ACE ITS, yang menggunakan panel surya sebagai atap sekaligus sebagai pemasok energi listrik utama pada jembatan

Smart canopy design on the Jaya Askara bridge, the work of the ITS ACE team, which uses solar panels as a roof and as the main electricity supplier on the bridge.

It doesn’t stop there, the bridge whose projection is designed above the Cisadane River, Tangerang Regency, also integrates Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Structural Health Monitoring System (SHMS) technology. With the combination of these two technologies, the Jaya Askara bridge has a high-quality planning, management, and security system.

In more detail, the team supervised by lecturer Ahmad Basshofi Habieb ST MT PhD applied BIM technology in various bridge design processes. Among them are the modeling process, project scheduling quality, quantity of material take off, energy analysis, and management and controlling. “BIM technology ensures that the construction and operation of the bridge is safe for the environment and workers,” said Zaidan.

The ITS Civil Engineering Department student also revealed that SHMS technology is equipped with various wireless sensors based on the Internet of Things (IoT). From these sensors, a number of real-time data are obtained which will be loaded into an application called Jaya Siaga. Among them are weather, temperature, and humidity data around the bridge as well as the structure, components, and health of the bridge.

Tim ACE ITS ketika melakukan presentasi rancangan jembatan Jaya Askara pada kompetisi Civil Expo 2024 yang digelar oleh Departemen Teknik Sipil ITS

The ITS ACE Team when presenting the Jaya Askara Bridge design at the 2024 Civil Expo competition held by the ITS Civil Engineering Department

The bridge with a total width of 22 meters also carries sustainable green construction as a form of realizing environmentally friendly and sustainable infrastructure. This is proven by the innovation in the materials used. “We use shell waste and granite in the construction of the bridge floor slab,” said this 2022 student. The use of solar panels as the main source of electrical energy on the bridge is also a form of effort to make this environmentally friendly action a success. Zaidan hopes that through these efforts, the scattering of carbon emissions in the construction and operation of the bridge can be reduced, so that the ongoing process of climate change can be anticipated.

Tim ACE ITS (dari kiri) Athallah Rafi Zakariyah, Dimas Nurdyansyah, dan Zaidan Dzaki Prasetya Adi sebagai peraih juara I dan favorit di kompetisi Civil Expo 2024

ITS ACE Team (from left) Athallah Rafi Zakariyah, Dimas Nurdyansyah, and Zaidan Dzaki Prasetya Adi as the winners of first place and favorites in the 2024 Civil Expo competition

In addition, the design of this 70-meter-high bridge combines colors and ornaments with a touch of local wisdom from the Betawi tribe. This can be seen from the yellow and gold colors as well as the gigi balang ornaments and ondel-ondel batik that decorate the railings along the sides of the bridge. The red and white colors on the bridge arch are also used to represent the strength of the Indonesian nation.

Thanks to their brilliant innovation, the team, which also consists of Athallah Rafi Zakariyah and Dimas Nurdyansyah, has succeeded in winning the first place and favorite title at the Civil Expo 2024 competition in the National Bridge Design Competition category held by the ITS Civil Engineering Department, some time ago. “Hopefully this bridge can create innovative and sustainable infrastructure and become a new landmark for the Indonesian nation,” concluded Zaidan hopefully. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)


Reporter: Ahmad Naufal Ilham

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