ITS Campus, ITS News — Giving her best dedication in developing research and empowering science, once again brought a lecturer from the Department of Chemistry , Faculty of Science and Data Analysis (Scientics) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD to win a prestigious international award. This time, she was declared as one of the winners of the Grassroots Science Advice Promotion Awards 2024 organized by INGSA-Asia.
The award is a form of appreciation for individuals or teams who have a track record of excellence in promoting the role of science. The award was initiated by INGSA-Asia with support from the International Science Council (ISC) and the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Winners receive an initial grant of up to 10 thousand Australian dollars (AUD) to support the implementation of workshops on the issues raised in their respective countries.
Together with five other winners from various countries in Asia, the lecturer who is familiarly called Fatma carries a project entitled Empowering Indonesian Women in Science to Influence Policy. This project aims to raise women’s awareness of their role in science policy while encouraging the sustainability of science-based programs at the grassroots level.
In her proposal, Fatma emphasized the importance of increasing women’s participation in science-based policy-making. “This award is a form of trust in women to continue to take part in determining science policy,” said the woman from Sampang, Madura.
The lecturer, who is also included in the list of the 100 best scientists in Asia 2024, was selected as one of the recipients of the award thanks to her significant contribution in empowering Indonesian women in the field of science. Her track record in research and community service is one of the determining factors that makes her worthy of receiving this award.
Through the award, Fatma plans to organize a workshop involving various stakeholders, including academics, government, and the community. The workshop will focus on increasing the capacity of women in science to influence policy, as well as discussing various important issues relevant to the Indonesian context.
In its implementation, Fatma will collaborate with various parties, including the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), where she currently serves as Chair of the OWSD Chapter Indonesia. ITS, as the host institution of OWSD Indonesia, also provides full support for the research and activities carried out by Fatma to realize this project.
The project is also in line with the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 5 on Gender Equality. By encouraging women to be active in science-based policies, Fatma contributes to the elimination of gender inequality and the enhancement of women’s roles in sustainable development.
Fatma hopes that the project can be a catalyst for Indonesian women to be more actively involved in science-based policy-making. She also emphasized the importance of cross-sector collaboration to create a broader and more sustainable impact on society. “Women must be aware that they are part of science policy, not just research objects,” she said. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Lathifah Sahda
Translator : Devinka Mutianeira
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