Dr Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal SST MT (right) with Prof Dr Ir Imam Robandi MT (left) after the dissertation defense for his doctoral promotion at the Department of Electrical Engineering ITS
ITS Campus, ITS News — Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has once again produced an outstanding doctor, namely Dr. Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal SST MT from the Department of Electrical Engineering , Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (F-ELECTICS) ITS. Amazingly, the doctor who was declared to have passed in his dissertation defense, Monday (6/1), was able to complete his doctoral studies in just 2.5 years and during his studies also successfully published 29 researches, the majority of which were internationally reputable.
Ruswandi, his nickname, shows high dedication to the development of science, especially in the field of Electric Power Systems (STL) in South Sulawesi (Sulbagsel). During his studies, the man born on March 11, 1990 was involved in dozens of scientific publications, including six articles in the Quartile 1 (Q1) Scopus journal, nine articles in the Q2 journal, four articles in the Q3 journal, five international proceedings, and several articles in Sinta 4 and Sinta 5.
One of Ruswandi’s research articles indexed by Scopus Q1 and having the most significant impact focuses on the challenges of integrating New and Renewable Energy (EBT) generators, such as Wind Power Plants (PLTB) in Sidrap and Jeneponto, South Sulawesi. “This PLTB produces unstable and fluctuating electricity output, thus disrupting the stability of the electricity supply in the area,” explained the man who is also a lecturer at the Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic (PNUP).
To overcome this instability problem, Ruswandi developed an optimal control technique using the Multi Band Power System Stabilizer (MBPSS) method. This technique is designed to stabilize the electricity supply, even though there are significant changes in the output of renewable energy sources. “This approach aims to improve the reliability of the electric power system in Sulbagsel,” said the Cumlaude graduate.
Dr Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal SST MT (left) with the Power System Operation and Control (PSOC) research group during guidance with Prof Dr Ir Imam Robandi MT (second from left)
The development of this control technique is supported by the use of the Mayfly Algorithm (MA), an artificial intelligence algorithm inspired by the behavior of adult mayfly swarms. MA, which is based on swarm intelligence , helps optimize the performance of MBPSS in maintaining the stability of the electric power system, making it more adaptive to changes in the output of the PLTB.
Not only that, Ruswandi’s achievements are also reflected in the H-index of 20 recorded in Google Scholar. The H-index is a parameter that assesses the productivity and impact of a researcher’s scientific publications. In this case, the number 20 indicates that Ruswandi has at least 20 studies that have been cited at least 20 times each, indicating significant recognition of his contribution to global research.
This extraordinary achievement was not achieved without challenges. Ruswandi managed to overcome the difficulties thanks to the support of the Power System Operation and Control (PSOC) research group under the auspices of the ITS Power System Simulation Laboratory (PSSL). This research group provides full support through routine guidance from Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Robandi MT, collaboration with fellow researchers, and adequate research funding. “The conducive academic atmosphere at ITS supports research productivity,” said Ruswandi gratefully.
Dr Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal SST MT (center) with his supervisor and examiners after the doctoral promotion hearing at the ITS Department of Electrical Engineering
In addition to research collaboration at the national level, Ruswandi and his PSOC research colleagues also participate in international collaborations. He is involved in research projects with renowned institutions such as Tottori University, Osaka University, and the University of Bologna which are an important part of his academic journey. “This can happen thanks to the network of collaboration that has been built by Prof. Imam Robandi,” he said, appreciating the performance of the Chairman of the ITS Professor Council.
Ruswandi has high hopes to continue his contribution to the development of research and science. He hopes that his achievements can inspire other students to continue working hard and not give up easily in research. “Study without stopping to continue updating your knowledge,” he said encouragingly. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Naurah Fitri
Translator : Devinka Mutianeira
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